The first step to manifesting your dream

The first step to manifesting your dream/desire/what you want, is to look at your current experience right now. Look at everything. Your health, body, relationships, financial situation, house/home, car, cloths, job, etc. Really look at it and see it. How does it make you feel? Is it what you want and desire? Instantly, without you even knowing consciously, you have made new choices about what you NOW, DO want, based on what you are looking at and how it makes you feel. You have just created new desires, wants, and dreams. Most people stop here. They continue to look at who they are, what they are doing, and what they have. They focus on what IS their current reality and feel BAD about it because it is not what they want.

They want things different. They might even think about what they DO want and feel bad because they do not have it now! Things thus never change. The secret is AFTER you look at everything in your life and feel the 2 things. First, consciously decide and clarify what you want NOW, DO want. Picture it. Think about it. Write it down. Imagine you already are living it and having it and FEEL the way you WOULD feel if you already were in possession of your desires. You should feel fantastic.

 NOW look at everything in your life right now and realize YOU created everything in your CURRENT experience! You and only you created be proud of your creation and love it!...see it as perfect right now....see the perfection in thankful for it as it allows you to clarify what you want...and ENJOY IT and LOVE IT RIGHT NOW! FEEL GOOD NOW! That is the secret. Two things happen when you follow this formula. One, you feel good right now! You are happy, full of joy and living in appreciation.

Second, BECAUSE you LOVE your current creation and feel good now, you bring your NEW choices/desires/dreams/wants, into your reality faster! Love your created it..and you can create something different if you choose. Peace and love to you all.

Every situation in life is an opportunity and a gift. I am more excited now than ever because I am taking full advantage of this miracle to break through a "wall of fire" that is taking me to a place I have never been. This is the path I choose to create for myself. When I get out of "prison", be ready! The knowledge and trainings I will be teaching will blow away everything you have seen so far! Get ready! Get excited! And be prepared to be amazed!
Much love... Kevin Trudeau

Your words are very powerful. The words you use create the world you experience. Think about what you say. Today, focus on paying attention to every word that comes out of your mouth. Notice how negative you speak! Notice who you say the same phrases all the time. You have patterns of speech, habits of using the same words and phrases, and you are generally not even aware of the words you say.
Notice what you are saying almost subconsciously. You speak most of the time on autopilot. Pay attention. Then, focus, be aware, and be conscious of the words you use. Decide to speak positively and with intention and purpose. Remember the old saying "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all!"
Be the person that everyone knows always says only positive things with a smile on his face! Then watch you world improve in every way. You are loved. Kevin Trudeau #RootWords #Origin #PersonalDictionary Online Etymology Dictionary