Be positive. Be happy.

Be positive. Be happy. Feel good now. It is easy to feel good when things go as you "think" they should go. The magic happens when you feel good when things "appear" to be bad. Because, you CAN see that what appears to be bad things, are NOT bad at all, but perfection, and GREAT! When your attitude is right the facts don't count. You must call things that be not as THOUGH they were! You must claim things unseen as if they ARE seen. In every "adversity" (what you THINK or CLAIM to be an adversity) is a seed of a larger positive benefit! The bigger the "adversity", the larger the seed for an even larger more positive benefit. "Adversity" causes you to strongly desire what you want. That desire is the seed! Be thankful and appreciative for "adversity"! The key is to do not look at the adversity as a bad thing, but actually see it and feel it as a good thing, a great thing! Find the gold in the "adversity". The DESIRE of what you want is automatic! Thus the seed is automatically planted when you experience the "adversity'. The feeling good in the middle of the "adversity" germinates the seed and produces the great positive result. This has happened my entire life. When the Government sued me for Coral Calcium, it looked like I was out of the TV Infomercial business forever. But I could do a book. I never thought about doing a book...but out of that tremendous adversity came the book Natural Cures. Millions of people have been positively affected by that book. When I was fined $37 million for the weight loss cure book, out of that "disaster" came Your Wish is Your Command and GIN! I am so thankful for that $37 million fine, aren't you?! Now I got a 10 year prison sentence. First I am so thankful it was not over 20 years! WOW! I got a miracle! I am going to take the few short years I will have in prison (and the time will go sooo fast!) and make it the best years of my life! I am so thankful and blessed. And I am SOO excited about the amazing wonderful seed that has been planted that WILL manifest very soon! In a few years, we all will be saying, "the 10 year sentence was the absolute best thing that could of ever happened to KT and for everyone!" You are about to witness a miracle right before your eyes! Remember, with God (Source energy) ALL things are possible! I'm excited how about you?!
Much love..

From The Desk of Kevin Trudeau, March 19, 2014 (New Unit of Time)

Had a great nights sleep after the sentencing! Mandela got 28 years, I was blessed to get only 10. I have deep love and appreciation for the Judge and the prosecutors. Please send them love. A 10 year sentence means I will be out between 6-8 years depending on certain things. I will appeal the sentence and the verdict. I might get the verdict overturned and/or the sentenced reduced. The Universe knows what is best and perfect. You must to trust Devine Timing. I will use my time in prison, however long that turns out to be, to my advantage. There are reasons for everything. I KNOW my personal desires ARE being manifested. The HOW, and WHEN do not concern me, as the Devine knows and delivers Perfection in everything. Learn to trust. When I heard the sentence, I knew there were amazing things off the radar screen I did not see yet. I felt so excited for my upcoming adventure and all the blessings that are in store for me! Time issues cause much negative emotions with people. You want something, but don't have it NOW, and you feel bad. Space also causes negative emotions issues. You are here, and want to be there, and you feel bad. In the energy dimension, there is no time and space. If you see everything as energy, WHEN something happens or manifests in THIS time/space reality does not matter anymore, as you begin to understand that everything reveals itself at the absolute perfect time. This temporary time away is my personal exciting adventure for growth, learning, and where I am releasing abilities that I will be able to teach to you all! There are people I must meet, and who must meet me. There are experiences and emotions I must confront. There are walls of fire I must walk through. There are breakthroughs I must make. All is being given to me in perfect divine order for the highest good of everyone. Thank you again for all your love and support. Everything is Perfect! Much love KT