Mahatma Gandhi said

Mahatma Gandhi said "You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind!" Your mind and your thoughts allow you to feel good anytime, any place, no matter what the condition. People ask me about my life and how I view all the things that I have gone through. I say to them with a big smile and abundant joy, happiness, ecstasy, passion, and glee in my heart...I have LOVED my life as I have chosen to live a life full of exciting exhilarating adventures and experiences! My life was what I choose. And as I experienced things I created, if I did not like them, I simply created something new! We all come into this physical life with our own purpose, life plan, and preferences. You have yours, and I have mine. One person's life is not better than another. If a person is blissfully happy doing and experiencing life in a way YOU would not choose, do not judge or criticize them. Live and let live...and be HAPPY for them as they are following their bliss. And most importantly, YOU follow YOUR bliss and stop looking at, being obsessed with, and comparing with, other people. Consider going back on this blog/posts and reading all my posts since I was incarcerated Nov 12th. There are nuggets of gold. I am leaving clues and secrets about happiness and manifesting your desires. I am excited about the day when I will be in front of you live teaching you and answering all your questions! Love..

There are many wonderful "teachers" who are very well intentioned, all trying to "teach" people how to "be successful", be happy, make money, be enlightened, and manifest/attract/create one's dreams/desires. These people want to be your "coach or mentor", or they want to be your "guru", leader, teacher, or guide. Many genuinely want to help you. Most, if not all, however, FIRST, want to make money themselves, and need to feed their EGO by having "followers"/fans, and being the "star" of the show. They crave being on stage. They desire more than anything, the applause, the accolades, the spotlight. This is not "bad", as the ego can be a wonderful thing to witness. It does produce an entertaining "show" which is a drama at times, a comedy at times, and a horror show at other times. If you "watch" the ego of others play out, and you realize and see it as the ego, you will be amused. Remember, that what YOU are witnessing is really a reflection of YOUR vibration. Think about that…

I tell you this to help you as you use your own discernment, and discrimination when deciding "who to listen to". Many of you stress out over which seminar or courses to take, what books to read, who’s advice/method/system/club they should follow and join. Relax with all of this. Follow your feelings. Always be open. Simply use discernment and discrimination. Do not judge, condemn or criticize.
You CAN and SHOULD learn from EVERYONE and every situation. Remember, the wise man learns from the fool, but the fool cannot even learn from the wise man. Enjoy the show! Much love..... Much Love Kevin Trudeau

Thank you for all your continued love and support. Please know I am more than good here at Federal Prison Camp Montgomery. I am the best I have ever been. And getting better. My appeal has been filed. I should get the decision sometime next year.
As my dear friend Sam points out, I am not attached to any outcome, so I yield to the Universe and am allowing the perfect manifestation of my personal goals/dreams/desires in the WAY Source knows is best. My desires are not about myself, they are about you, society, the planet, and the universe. Peace, harmony, love, and all people feeling the deepest contentment and appreciation for all experiences is one of my visions. My desires are my desires. They are not your desires. Mine are right for me alone. Yours are right for you alone. All our choices, preferences, desires/dreams/goals are always right for each of us. Do not try to force YOUR desires, or your ways of living on others. You will just live with frustration and never be truly at peace/contentment or experience true inner total bliss. Many wonder about my situation and make all kinds of assumptions. Consider stop looking at others and judging, condemning, assuming things, and criticizing their conditions and they way they choose to go through this game we call life and the situations/events they create. Wanting to make oneself right and others wrong is a motivation that will keep you from experiencing all your desires and feeling true bliss.
Know at the deepest levels, we create circumstances in life (that in fact just games we create), to experience a full range of emotions as well as conditions to allow us to exercise our invisible power!
I have a request. IF you feel moved to do so, could some of you send me pictures of Zurich, and of beautiful things/scenes/mountains/etc for MY dream board! Guess what I may want to look at each day and vibrate into physical manifestation! Know all the well. I will be out and with you as soon as is perfect! Much love Kevin Trudeau.