Judging how others choose to live

People have a tendency to judge how others choose to live. This is hindering YOUR dreams/desires from manifesting into your life. You may look at someone who has a life and experiences YOU would not want. You may think they are suffering. Yet they do not complain. YOU assume they are suffering in silence or are in denial. But a true Master does not suffer at all. They do not complain about their condition, experience, or circumstances because they ARE NOT SUFFERING! And they know they created them and they can change them anytime they want! They KNOW they are simply experiencing a set of circumstances and conditions that they created and choose. YOU would call it insufferable, but THEY are loving the adventure, thrill, excitement, and exhilaration of living life as they choose. They see the perfection in their condition. They love it and appreciate it as it is THEIR creation. For me as an example, I have created exactly what I wanted. YOU do not know MY desires/wants/dreams. But I can tell you I am exactly where I need to be for the manifestation of my desires. I have created the PERFECT creative workshop where I can focus my mind and thoughts and create the next phase of my life. I can do not action here, all I have is my thoughts. I will show you all, that with thoughts ALONE and NO action, you can magically create YOUR perfect life as YOU choose it to be. When your Dream is bigger than YOU..you will be given the gift of seeing energy and seeing things from a broader perspective and with a different perspective on TIME. From this view point, and seeing things from this view point, you get ECSTATIC beyond words because you see everything as a final completed perfect result better than you could have ever dreamed! I see this. I know this. You can too! Hint...think about over 100 million people around the world knowing this training...vibrating at a high level of love and peace...each one positively effecting hundreds of other people.....hmmmmm....the best is yet to come! Harmony and Peace and Joy! Love...

In several messages on this page and in trainings, I used certain words without ever really defining them for you. I did this on purpose. When you read something and come to a word that has not been clearly defined, it can cause confusion. It can also force YOU to investigate and define the word, which brings about knowingness and clarity. Here are the words that have been used and not specifically defined. I suggest you get a massive dictionary and read the definitions, AND find other sources to define the words, and discuss with others the true definitions of the words. THEN go back and reread the posts/messages on this page, and watch a miracle happen right before your eyes! You will experience MAGIC! I am so excited for you! Then report here what happened so others can be motivated to do this simple yet an all powerful process. Here are the words: Ego; Self; Higher Self; Truth; Mind; Thoughts; Enlightenment; Feelings; Emotions; Knowingness; Awareness. Enjoy the mind blowing experience and feel your inner Self expand beyond your wildest imagination. Love.......... Much Love Kevin Trudeau

Here is a secret to manifesting your desires. Think about this fact. If a specific event can make you feel a certain way, then feeling that same way will make that specific event happen in your life. That is the secret to creating what you want to experience in your life. Think of what you desire. IF you had that RIGHT now , how would you feel? Then FEEL that right now while thinking of your desire. Do that right before you go to bed. Drift off to sleep FEELING the FEELINGS you WOULD have IF you HAD what your desire NOW. In time...you WILL HAVE it in your experience. More on these mysteries and exactly HOW to do it coming soon! Much love from the front lines! Much Love Kevin Trudeau