Since I arrived here at MCC

The men here are amazing. I have met many new teachers, and I am the student. I am learning so much from men whose life and experiences I would have never been exposed to. Some of these men have been her for 4 or more years and have yet to be charged with a crime, or are still waiting for trial. They live every day with total uncertainty. They could be facing 10 or more additional years. They are away from their kids and families. Yet they smile everyday. They laugh everyday. They have faith in the future. They are very into their music, with MP3 players, they have all their favorites downloaded and have their earphones in all day! Cards, chess, scrabble, dominoes, and TV take up most of their days. Reading is not a major thing. Sad. I have brought in some Magic of Thinking Big books and some of the men are reading them and discussing itI feel lucky to be learning so much, and I think some of the men are learning a few things from me as well.  Much Love Kevin Trudeau

Since I arrived here at MCC, amazing things are happening everyday. There are African American men, Mexican men, and white men here. And a few Europeans, Asians and South Americans. Many are gang members. The crimes they are charged with include murder, armed bank robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, selling or possessing drugs, kidnapping, selling, possessing, or using illegal firearms, pimping and human trafficking and a few bankruptcy fraud, and tax invasion cases. There are a few other kind of crimes as well. Oh, and ONE contempt of court for exercising first amendment rights on TV and in a book! LOL The men here speak English, inner city English (which I STILL have a very hard time understanding as I have to constantly ask..WHAT did you just say?! LOL), Spanish, polish and Russian. Ages range from 20's, 30's, and a few (like me) over 40. There are Muslins, Moors, Jews, Christians of all denominations, Pagans, Buddhists, Hindu's, and about 10 other religions represented. Yet everyone gets along so well. It is wonderful. It is quite amazing how harmonious everyone is with one another. The men are mostly caring, kind, thoughtful, considerate, friendly, and generous. Everyone laughs and smiles most of the time. It is quite amazing to see all this diversity blend together so well. I was told by the correction officers that everything here is amazingly peaceful, calm and harmonious lately. You get in life what you expect. You see, and experience in your life what you WANT and EXPECT to see and experience. YOU create what you experience. And YOUR energy affects all those around you. When YOUR energy and vibration is high (peace, harmony, love, acceptance, understanding, appreciation, contentment, serenity) YOU raise everyone's vibration around you. YOU can create a harmonious environment ANYWHERE...even in a jail or prison with violent criminals! If I can do it here..YOU can do it at home with your kids or at your office with your coworkers or anywhere you are and at anytime YOU want. I will teach you HOW to do this. You actually "control" your environment and the people around you WITHOUT trying or wanting to control them! You are more powerful than you can ever imagine. Believe in YOUR dreams. I deeply love you all.

Always remember the success is a decision away. Once you make a decision that you will attain your desire no matter what it takes or how long it takes, and are willing to give up everything for its attainment, then success is assured. See you at the top... Much Love Kevin Trudeau

The single most important thing that will determine what happens in your life is how you respond and react to the things that are happening right now. You constantly judge, evaluate, react, and respond to every person you meet; everything anyone says or does to you; every situation you deal with; every event that is presented to you; every external condition you are in; and everything you experience.
This means you have thoughts, say words, do things, and feel emotions based on how you choose to respond to everything around you as it is happening. How you choose to respond with your thoughts, words, actions and feelings determine the NEXT set of conditions, experiences, events, and situations that the Universe will present to you.
This is "karma". Having a deliberate intent and desire for something is a "wanting". This is the creation process that you can activate on purpose. But, for most people, the desires that a person has (the wanting), is counteracted by the reactions (thoughts, words, actions and feelings) that you put out in response to what life is presenting to you in each moment.

When you can feel good about everything being presented to you, you are in a constant state of creating "good karma" and thus creating a wonderful next set of conditions. I teach how to do this in The Science of Personal Mastery Course. The Course is emailed to you each month starting with Lesson ONE. For more info please email Much Love Kevin Trudeau