Kevin shares his thoughts and experiences on social media

I was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment the other day... How do I feel? Thankful. Appreciative. I do not believe, but KNOW that everything is perfect as I feel so good. My MIND thinks I should have got a loss less time, but I FEEL 100% perfect with the sentence. Everything will work out in perfect divine order. I am so thankful and appreciative of all of you and all your love and support. Smile and be happy. All is well. All is perfect. Still believe I will be free much sooner as miracles DO happen to those who believe! I am at peace and will sleep very well tonight, bathed in love. I am sending you all love as well.

Are you only a "body"? When the body dies, is it all over. Neuroscientists and Neurosurgeons say the brain is all there is. "Consciousness" and all spirituality comes from the brain. When the brain dies there is no longer any "consciousness", awareness or knowingness. They claim that all the people who "die" and come back to talk about "the other side", "life after life", the spiritual dimension, or "heaven" are simple having experiences created by the brain and the chemical reactions that occur during these "near death experiences". One such Harvard neurosurgeon was completely convinced to this line of thought. That is until he went into a coma, and for 7 days his "brain" was "dead", completely non-functioning. Yet, he came out of his coma and said that "he" never died. "He", as consciousness, simple transitioned to "other dimensions". Basically, he said, he went to "heaven". His story is unique and extraordinary. It gives empirical proof beyond any doubt, that you are an extension of pure love and the One "Source" or consciousness that is all things. His book, a #1 NY Times bestseller, "Proof of Heaven" is a must read. I read it in a few hours. Read this book and all fear of death will leave you. The other book on this subject I have recommended is called "Dying to be Me", also by an MD who "died" and came back to tell about the "other side". This is also an excellent book and very quick and easy read. These books provide evidence from the "scientific mind", that what has been written in spiritual texts for thousands of years about the true nature of reality is all true. Having this knowledge will make your experience in this life richer, more fulfilling, and give you a sense of wholeness and completeness that you may not have felt before. Enjoy them and tell me your impressions here on this page. Much love as we are all completely "connected". KT

Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, you will still wind up among the stars! Believe and you receive, doubt and go without. Expect Success. Believe you can succeed and you will.
Cure yourself of excusitis, the failure disease. To know and not to do is not to know. These are just a few "Nuggets of Gold" that contain all the secrets to success.

Allow these seeds to grow within you. If you do, I know, I will see you on the beaches of the world. Your friend, Kevin Trudeau

Think about this quote; "I detach myself from preconceived outcomes and trust that all is well. Being myself allows the wholeness of my unique magnificence to draw me in those directions most beneficial to me and to all others. This is really the only thinking I have to do. And within that framework, everything that is truly mine comes into my life effortlessly, in the most magical and unexpected ways imaginable, demonstrating every day the power and love of who I truly am"
Anita Moorjani, from her book "Dying to be Me": My journey from Cancer, to Death, to True Healing. Michael Singer in his books: The Untethered Soul and the Surrender Experiment also share this concept. Esther Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) has been saying this for years with the concept of being in a state of "Allowing".
This is a secret to not only manifesting your desires, but inner peace, contentment and fulfillment.
Much love, Your friend, Kevin Trudeau