Your life is what YOU make of it

Your life is what YOU make of it. Some of the men here are just passing time. They never read anything. They spend day after day watching TV, listening to music, or playing cards. Some of the guys have been here for years. As I chat with them I ask how they are different today than when they came in? What have they done to better themselves? They look surprised at my they say they are just "passing the time". You have heard me say don’t have 1 year experience repeated 20 times and claim you have 20 years experience. Many people in life are just going in circles repeating their thoughts and thus keep getting the same results in their life. The reason I am so excited about this experience for me is I am taking full advantage of the time I have to read, think, write, and thus CREATE my future exactly the way I want! And for me...this is the optimal situation for me to plug into the "field" and download information that I would never be able to access on the "outside". I am soooo blessed and soooo estatic! WOW!!! I am living in BLISS! All my love to you all!

People ask me why I did not take the stand and talk on my on defense at the trial. I had planned to do just that. I communicate well. I was sure if I took the stand and told the truth, that the jury would see that I was innocent. They would see that I did not violate the order. They would see that I did not misrepresent the contents of the book, and for sure they would see I had no criminal intent and did not do anything willfully in violation of the order.
But on the night before I was to testify I had a supernatural spiritual experience like I had never had in my life. I won’t explain now in detail what happened, I will do that later to those who attend future seminars…(my writings will be read by my good friend Janine) All I can say was I knew I could not take the stand. I had to remain silent. I could not speak in my own defense. And I knew if I did not take the stand and defend myself I was going to be found guilty! I knew that my path was to be found guilty! Think about all the people that stood silent and did not speak in their own defense...Jesus, Mandela, Gandhi, Chavez, the list goes on and on about people who stood silent when accused and did not speak in their own defense. My current incarceration is the perfect path for me! More on this amazing miracle later...all I can tell you is what happened to me was beyond anything I have experienced in my life. It was spiritual. It was supernatural. It was a miracle. And it has given me a peace I have not had before!