Back in the 70's and early 80's I was "in training" almost full time

Back in the 70's and early 80's I was "in training" almost full time. I was reading, listening to audios, and doing mental exercises EVERY day! I would attend seminars/workshops almost every month and sometimes weekly. I was meeting with my "uncle" on a regular basis. Then I jumped into the "real world" and started fully applying all I knew. Everything worked! Like magic. So well in fact that I spent almost all my time helping others apply the material. Yes, I still "trained", but not full time or anywhere close to that. Every day I worked from the moment I got up till the moment I went to sleep, 7 days a week! Ask Blaine, Brandy, Janine, Natasha, Chris, the Morters, or anyone who lived with me on a regular basis. Now I have 100% "ME" time! I am back to training full time! And I am LOVING IT! Janine came to visit and looked so worried when I walked into the visiting room to greet her. She asked if I was ok...I said...."I LOVE IT HERE! I can’t wait to get back to my books and mental training! LOL The point is this...YOU can be happy no matter what you are facing..and when you get happy (feeling good...or at least better than you feel now)...everything will start BEING better in your life anyway and all your dreams/desires WILL come true!  Love....

You must face your fears and confront what worries, concerns, or gives you distress. I taught this at my last 1 day seminar. You should go to and get the audios of that seminar! Example. General Patton feared being shot right between the eyes. Yet in the movie Patton there is a scene during an air raid where Patton jumps in the middle of the road and faces off with a plane shooting right at him! He yells and challenges the plane.."Shoot me right between the eyes!"
All great leaders confronted their biggest fears and overcame those fears...and turned those fears into their greatest motivations. Patton loved being in battle. He DEMANDED he be sent to the front lines! He craved what others were afraid of and trying desperately to avoid. That is how I see it as well. Many people think they would hate to be going through what I am going through now...being in jail and facing 18 or more years in prison..and having all your money and every material possession taken away from you. I on the other hand LOVE THIS adventure! I LOVE IT! Trust me when I tell you....I WILL be at the top..and I HOPE to see YOU at the top as well! You can do nit too! Much love!