Thank you all for the hundreds of letters and cards I get everyday

I love my life RIGHT NOW! I feel great RIGHT NOW! I am finding the gold and finding the hundreds of things I am grateful, thankful and appreciative for in my CURRENT situation. I feel thankful all day. I smile all day. I laugh all day. I feel good all day. I feel so lucky and so blessed RIGHT NOW. I am so much better off than 99.9% of the people in the world. I am feeling total bliss. Stress free. I feel totally FREE! I am in the perfect place to focus and clarify exactly with specificity what I want, what my desires are, and what my life will be in the near future. I am creating the perfect life for ME! This process makes me feel soooo bliss...and that is the ultimate goal…feeling good...experiences BLISS…and I have it RIGHT NOW! I hope all of you learn from what I am experiencing. Because who is better off right now? Me....feeling total bliss or maybe some of you feeling stress, anxiety, worry, anger, frustration etc...??? Something to think about!!
Keep listening to the success master course training...and read the books on the basic and advanced book list..The material need to be USED...the training is for when things appear to be bad...some of you are folding under even the slightest strong...focus and use the training! I love you all...and I am looking forward to partying with all you wonderful Jedi Knights when I am out , which will be at the PERFECT time and place for me and you!

Thank you all for the hundreds of letters and cards I get everyday. I read each one. I cannot reply as there is limited paper, envelopes and stamps. Most are letters and notes of encouragement and support. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. Many are stories of how my books, seminars, and/or GIN has changed someone's life for the better. Reading makes me feel so good. Even if I and sentenced to life in prison, I will still feel so good knowing that my efforts have positively impacted so many. I am at peace and feel BLISS! I received one letter that was over 45 pages long from my friend , fellow GIN member, Ed. He told me his whole story. WOW! I hope you all get to hear it from him personally someday. The letter made it clear to me that my efforts have produced great results and was worth it! Thank you Ed and all of you!
Being here is such a blessing for me. It is like being in the military, but the living conditions here are much better than what 90% of military personal have to endure around the world. Being here is like being at an Ashram, temple, retreat, or monastery. It is easier living here than in many of the "bootcamp" spas I have paid good money to go to over the years. It is really a wonderful experience to de-stress, relax, read, meditate, and recharge! I am really enjoying it here. If I could go home today I would not! I would want to stay much longer as I know I have more benefits being here! All I can say is I am doing great and the wall of fire I am going through will allow me to teach you and help you more than you could ever imagine!
Much to meditate and tap into the ether!