Think of all the things you do everyday and take for granted.

Think of all the things you do everyday and take for granted. A good fresh cup of coffee. A walk in the park. Petting your dog or cat. Playing with your kids. Having a pizza. Going to a great restaurant and having a spectacular meal. Going to see a movie at the cinema. Going for a swim. Taking a bath. Getting a massage. Having a nice glass of wine, or scotch, or a fine cigar! LOL Are YOU really fully enjoying all those things you take for granted everyday? Are you grateful and thankful and feeling so appreciative for being able to enjoy all those seemingly simple pleasures? Well, I am so lucky because when I get out of prison, whether months or years from now, I can tell you I will so fully and totally enjoy all those things more than you can every imagine! That means I am so lucky to be able to FEEL more gratitude and thankfulness than many of you are allowing yourselves to feel. I can and will be more appreciative for all those things than you are doing now. I will be fully savoring those simple experiences and feeling more joy from them than you are now...and that means, because I will have more intense GOOD feelings doing all those things that the universe is going to POUR into my life MORE good things than ever before and in such huge quantities it will be almost impossible for me to take it all in! YOU can have the same...just start enjoying EVERY simple pleasure and FEEL SOOOOO grateful that YOU can experience it now! It will be easy for me...but YOU can do it too! Enjoy the pizza! REALLY enjoy it...and be SOOOO thankful for all those simple pleasures!  Merry Christmas to all! Love, Kevin (and Merry Christmas from Janine too!)