Another beautiful day for me here in paradise!

Another beautiful day for me here in paradise! Try to stress in your life. You have nothing. NO material things. NO debt. NO bills. NO house/apartment. NO cell phone. NO job. NO bank account. NO credit cards. NO responsibility. NO appointments. NO phone calls you have to make. NO car. NO personal possessions. NO worries. And your food is provided FREE. You have a clean warm safe place to stay, your own private room with all amenities,,FREE. Everything is paid for. If you need to see the dentist, it is FREE. Medical visits...FREE. EVERYTHING you NEED is FREE and taken care of! You have no decisions to make, everything is provided for you. You now have TOTAL freedom! This is what I have now. I am in the perfect environment to do what I have been wanting to do my whole life and I need to do to take me to the next level. I can focus. I am getting complete clarity. I am molding energy. I am plugging into the ether, the universal field and downloading knowledge and information that I could never access before, but now I can! I am clearing patterns that I have never been able to clear. I am releasing abilities that I never been able to release but I knew where always there. I am accessing source energy like never before. I am in total BLISS! If they told me I could leave today, I would say NO! I am not finished yet with what I need and WANT to accomplish! LOL life is wonderful. Focus on YOUR dreams. Don’t let anyone tell you how YOU should be living YOUR life. Follow your BLISS. Much love KT

Just as light destroys darkness,
Generosity destroys miserliness,
Discipline destroys harmfulness.
Patience destroys intolerance,
Perseverance destroys laziness,
Concentration destroys distraction,
Wisdom destroys ignorance.
Kevin Trudeau

Many of you ask how to deal with "difficult" times in one's life. Think of this:
A mighty wind blew night and day. It stole the oak tree's leaves away. Then snapped its boughs and pulled its bark, until the oak was tired and stark. But still the oak tree held its ground, while other trees fell all around. The weary wind gave up and spoke, "How can you still be standing, Mister Oak?" The oak tree said, "I know that you can break each branch of mine in two, carry every leaf away, shake my limbs, and make me sway. But I have roots stretched in the earth, growing stronger and stronger since my birth. You'll never touch them, for you see, they are the very deepest part of me. Until today, I was not sure, of just how much I could endure. But now I've found, with thanks to you, I'm so much stronger than I ever knew!"

Be thankful for everything in your life, and know that you all win in the end. Check back here soon for a new message I have planned for you. Much love Kevin Trudeau