Auctioning of Kevin Trudeau's Possessions

As you know the Ojai and Oakbrook homes have been taken over by the receiver. They are for sale and all the furnishings are being sold as well. The homes could be sold fully furnished. All the items in the homes are very special as they contain perfect abundance/luck energy. Many are antiques with amazing energy lines and histories. Anyone who owns them will get special benefits in their lives, like lucky amulets. All the furnishings are also are perfectly balanced to work together with each other. If anyone is interested in acquiring either the homes or any of the furnishings (which can be sold separately and individually) talk with Janine about the specifics. Several GIN members have talked about getting in together as a group and buying the Ojai property and/or Oak Brook properties fully furnished and using them for various things. Maybe renting them out for meetings or just being shared among those who buy them as special retreats and places to recharge and reenergize! Being physically in those properties and sleeping there have amazing benefits! Ask anyone who has been to Ojai or Oak Brook and they will tell you there is something very, very special you feel when you are there! The energy is off the charts! And very, very special. This could be a great opportunity!