I feel so blessed and happy.

I feel so blessed and happy. As I read the hundreds of cards and letters I get daily (keep writing me!), I see how thousands of you are stepping up, accepting more responsibility, taking charge and becoming leaders. I feel so satisfied and proud! My incarceration needed to happen for me personally to achieve new levels of knowledge and power, and for all of you as well! The exact reasons will be revealed in the future, and become very clear to all of you!

I woke this morning feeling soooo good. Imagine being 50 years old and having achieved ALL of your goals and dreams. Imagine going everywhere you wanted to go, having everything you wanted to have, doing everything you wanted to do! WOW! What next? An Adventure! Imagine selling everything you own and giving it to the poor. Imagine having NO debt. NO material possessions. NO responsibilities. Imagine going on a 10-15 year ADVENTURE of a lifetime of study, learning, laughing, living totally stress free, releasing abilities, gaining secret knowledge and having your adventure all paid for by the US Government! LOL… Welcome to my world! Be happy for me. I choose and created my reality and am enjoying it and benefiting from it more that you could ever know! My choices and my reality is NOT for the majority of you…you might hate it! Now, YOU create YOUR reality in ways that YOU want! Go for YOUR dreams and pay no attention to people who try to judge your choices and decisions and the ways you choose to enjoy and live your life.

I am rereading "Ask and it is Given". WOW! It was totally rewritten since the last time I read it! LOL Sound familiar!?
If there is one book any of your should read and reread this is the book! In your life the only important thing is to feel good now. People might judge you and your situation and say…"look at the poor guy in that terrible situation", but they do not know how you feel. You might be in total bliss. When I go to "bootcamps" for weeks at a time, I "suffer" every day. Little food, strenuous exercise, deprivation...but I LOVE every minute! My current situation is the same. I am loving every minute and am feeling sooooo good! Use your GIN training and feel good NOW..no matter what! You can do it!