Please send love (pray) on a daily basis to both judges in my case, Judge Gettleman

Please send love (pray) on a daily basis to both judges in my case, Judge Gettleman (civil contempt case) and Judge Guzman (criminal contempt case), as well as the Mr. Cohen of the FTC, all members of the FTC handling my civil contempt case, and all members of the US Attorney’s office handling my criminal contempt case.
We talk about "love your enemies", and recall Jesus on the cross praying to GOD the Father "forgive them, for they know not what they do". We must walk the walk and not just talk the talk. We must practice what we preach. Forgive and give unconditional love to ALL without exception!

In reality we do not have to "forgive" anyone involved in my cases as they did nothing that need forgiving. And there are no "enemies". I alone am responsible. I take 100% responsibility for my legal and court situations. I am the one that is asking THEM to forgive ME. I am sending ALL of them energetic unconditional love. I am telling THEM that I am sorry. I feel nothing but compassion and love for all of them. I also ask and pray for their compassion and forgiveness, mercy and leniency in dealing with my sentence and punishment. We are all one. Everything is one. There are not "enemies". 

There is not "evil" and "good" per say. A cat is whole. The head and tail are both part of the cat. One is not "good" and the other "bad". If the cat bites the tail...the cat hurts himself! This is why we must only LOVE.....everyone and everything...for we are all connected. When we LOVE...we help ourselves...when we hate or retaliate…we hurt ourselves. I know the universe is perfection and all IS well. All is perfect no matter what "happens" or what things "appear or seem". So please pray and send love to all involved in my case. Wish only the best for them and their families. Want only good things for them. Send them peace, compassion and unconditional love. They deserve it!

Who is your greatest teacher? Who can you learn the most from?
Consider this. If you are able to be unaffected by what anyone says or does not say to you, does or does not do to you or for you, then you are in control of you life. If you can withstand ridicule, pain, suffering, and negative experiences, then you are in control of your life.
If circumstances, conditions, events, and situations have no effect on your emotions, then you are in control of your life. Thus, all those people that tease you, talk bad about you and treat you with no respect are your "trainers". They are giving you opportunities to practice being unaffected by outside circumstances. They are testing your ability to "handle" situations in life.

How much can you take? How much can you put up with? How much can you stand? If you can handle anything, then you win. Be happy for those who talk bad about you, do bad things to you, and disrespect you. Be thankful for all the "challenges" in life. They are all testing you, and training you at the same it.
If you know this, then you will "figure out" the "game". When you are unaffected by anything "outside" yourSELF, then all the world will be yours, and all your dreams will come true. Much Love Kevin Trudeau

No matter how insignificant you feel, no matter what problems you have, and no matter how many afflictive emotions fill your mind, never underestimate your potential for a single moment. Like a diamond covered by dirt, your Enlightenment nature is there, waiting to be discovered.