If there was a Bible for those of you who listen to my audios it would be the book Ask and it is Given. Being here, I have the amazing opportunity to spend most of my day reading and actually DOING the processes in that book! We all make excuses (me included) as to why we do not actually DO the processes in the book Ask and it is Given. We say...I don’t need that...I will do it tomorrow. I don’t have time right now....etc...
I can tell you....when you actually DO them...MAGIC happens! I am sooo blessed to have created the perfect situation for ME to have the time to read, study, do the processes, tap into the ether, meditate, exercise, relax, recharge, and create the next chapter in my thrilling exciting adventure fun filled life! You all know I will be out of prison at some point...if could be months, years, or many years! It doe not matter...I will be out as soon as is PERFECT! 
I LOVE MY LIFE! I hope you love yours! Life is what you make of it! You feel as good as you CHOOSE to feel!

One thing I am so thankful and grateful for is the time to train my mind even more! I am training to completely control my mind and thoughts even more than before! I am training my mind to focus more than ever and with even more power! I love being in training again! This forced upon me environment (actually created by my own desires) is the PERFECT place and time to do this training! I feel sooooo lucky! Do YOU feel lucky with YOUR life? Think about it! If NOT...change the way you look at things or simply create the environment you want! Love...KT

I am doing several kinds of meditations...focusing on...sound...a mantra...an object...a smell...and a body movement...as well as others...I am so blessed to have not a worry in the world or have any distractions. And have all the time I need to do these things. I am going places you will never have the time, patience or perseverance to get to....but YOU will benefit from my personal journey, experiences and gained knowledge and abilities...can’t wait to see you all again...at the perfect time and place...thank you universe for being always delivering PERFECTION! Much Love Kevin Trudeau

You know the MOST important success principle is FEELING GOOD every day.
Listening to GIN training is the greatest METHOD to raise your vibration.📈
But you don't have time to listen to LONG audios EVERY SINGLE DAY.

You might be one INSIGHT away from transforming your life. You need to FEED your mind with positivity on a DAILY basis.
That's why I created the Kevin Trudeau Teachings youtube channel with SHORT and to the POINT videos for any GIN training topic.
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Hello everyone! I have a couple things to talk about today.
First, make sure you check here often. I am putting up posts from time to time as the spirit moves. Sometimes it can be one per day for several days in a row. Sometimes it might be a week or 2 between my posts. I encourage you to go back and read the many posts I have left since I started doing this last year. There are hidden secrets to life and manifesting in the posts. I also encourage you to get as many people to read this page as you can. When there are enough people reading this on a regular basis I can guarantee you that the universal forces will align and that will be the correct time for me to leave here. It is all about the Hundredth Monkey Syndrome.
Second: I would like you to ask me questions on this page. Post your question. No question is off limits. Ask me anything. they will be forwarded to me and I will answer those that I feel have the most universal themes and that will positively impact the most people. I will not answer all the questions. I encourage you to read all the questions posted as this will have enduring effects on you..and try to answer them yourself or discuss the questions and your thoughts with others. Watch what happens and then post what is happening. Share your experiences here so others can see too. Much Love Kevin Trudeau