Remembering Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela died and I made a mistake on my previous post about him. He spent 28 years in prison! Mostly in a cell! For being convicted and found guilty of being a terrorist! He died recently…. I hope you understand that we can energetically communicate with other people to varying degrees, based on each person's "resistance and energetical interference". You can also communicate with people that have died…That have "passed" and it is MUCH easier to communicate with them because even though YOU have resistance and interference ...THE DEAD person has NO resistance and NO interference. All I can say about Mandela passing is I am getting huge benefits from him being in a place and space without resistance and without interference. I talked about this at the seminar I did in Washington DC last month. You really should consider getting those audios..go to
Much love to all of you and thanks again for all the cards and letters..keep em coming!

Nelson Mandela passed away... One of my heroes. He was convicted of being a TERRORIST! And spent 20 years in a jail cell! A hero. A person I admired and respected. If I had only 1% of his character. I mention to you many of my heroes ..such as Jesus, Gahndi, Chavez etc..All people that were convicted of crimes in court and were sentenced to prison time. I am not even in their league. They are my heroes. They give me strength. Always look at people who walk the walk, not just talk the talk. And gain strength from what they had to go through. You will be inspired at those who went through much more than you or I have ever endured. I look at my life and current situation and see that I have it so easy compared to others who went before me. You can always put things in perspective. Focus on the good things and what you want...and be happy right now! I am! Much love!