Please know I am 100% fine.

Hello all...I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love and support. Please know I am 100% fine. I have prepared for this emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. This is my great adventure! I cannot wait to be sitting with you, haveing a drink, a cigar, some good food, sharing with you all these exciting learning experiences. I am so lucky to be able to experience what few will ever have the opportunity to have. I am growing and learning so much! I am achieving new levels of abilities and knowledge. WOW! How lucky am I?!?! The men here are actually amazing and so interesting to talk to. All is fine..
As you know, I will be here (unless somethig weird happens) until I get sentenced. There is no date for that yet but we anticipate my sentencing will happen Fed or March. When I get sentenced I could get 18 years or more, or I could get less. I will then stay here 1-4 months before I will be transfered to the prison where I will serve my time..
Only good things will come from this...and those will reveal themselves at the perfect time.
I smile and laugh everyday. Men I am meeting are giving me amazing wisdom..and I am sure I am being a blessing to many men as well with my insights and attitude.
Keep smiling....keep feeling good..know that all is perfect!!
Much love my friends..

I sat down today to starting writing all the things I am thankful and grateful for...things like my loving supportive parents etc. I wrote and wrote and wrote...over 1 hour later I was still writing things I was thankful and grateful for. I then began to think of all the poor unfortunate people that , unlike me, are suffering. People who are hungry and cold. Living in horrible conditions. I felt so sorry for them, and I felt so lucky and blessed.
No matter what your situation is, you can find the gold..find the good...find the blessings. When you do this you begin to feel a certain way...a good feeling...and this vibration will create an amazing future!

Imagine being supremely confident, but not arrogant or conceited. Imagine having such total knowingness that you never need to be affirmed, or validated by anyone. Imagine never feeling the need to convince anyone or prove anything.
Think about never needing to argue or debate anyone about anything. Dream about never having the need to feel respected, never needing to be understood, never needing to be recognized or given credit for something you did. Imagine never being effected by what someone says or does to you, or doesn't say or do!

Imagine having total clarity and certainty but remaining completely humble, and never having any doubts, fears, or worries about anything. Dream about always feeling joy inside and never being effected by external conditions, situations, events, people or circumstances. Imagine being amused by everything and everyone and having an inner laugh and smile for you actually "see" everyone and everything as simply a play of the One Universal Consciousness.
Think about how your life would be always feeling lighthearted and cheerful, without any concerns or stress, and never feeling the need to change anyone or anything in order to make you happy. You can be this person. I teach you how in The Science of Personal Mastery Course. People from all over the world are students in this Course and the results are nothing less than spectacular and mind blowing.
Join us in "Happy Land". Email to receive the Nuggets of Gold Newsletter information and get Lesson 1 in the Course emailed to you. Each month you will get the next Lesson and your life will never be the same. I know I will see you on the beaches of the world soon! Much love, Kevin Trudeau

Most people have "demons" they deal with. These "demons" are other people living in ways that you do not like. You think, "If only they would act differently, then I would be happy."
Think about this story. Andrew Carnegie used to go into a room, lock the door, shut off the lights, and do what he called "hard thinking".
Effectively, he was meditating. He was opening his mind, stilling and calming his mind, and allowing the "subconscious" as he put it, give him answers and direction.
Others would call this contemplation, mindfulness or even prayer. He tells the story of one time going into the room and being annoyed with "inner voices", nonstop random thoughts, "demons" as he called them, disturbing his peace.
First he decided to "talk to them", lecture them, teach them, preach to them, and tell them how they should act. But nothing changed.
Then he decided to ignore them. He tried this for hours, but they persisted. He finally gave up. He felt totally defeated by these demons.
He solemnly said to them, "I guess you are who you are, and you will persist no matter what I do. But I am not leaving this room, so I accept that we will both have to share this room". With that "acceptance", Carnegie stopped resisting. He stopped fighting.
He stopping trying to "change" the demons. With that, he said, they began to stop annoying him and disturbing his peace, and they simply left the room, leaving Carnegie all alone.
Whatever you resist in life persists. Be in a state of "allowing", go with the flow, stop swimming upstream. Life is for laughing loving and living! So keep smiling and don't sweat the small stuff (and remember, it is ALL small stuff). Much love, Kevin Trudeau