I received another huge stack of mail from supporters and friends today!

I received another huge stack of mail from supporters and friends today! Over 100 again! Thank you so so much. I love reading every one. They bring tears to my eyes and joy in my heart. As you all know I am facing up to life in prison. I will be probably sentenced in Feb or March and will know my fate. Imagine facing life in prison? Imagine facing 18 years or 15 years or 10 years? How would you feel? Well, I will tell you how I feel...GREAT! I feel better than ever! Why, because I KNOW that EVERYTHING works together for GOOD! Even if I spend the next 20 years in prison, I KNOW I will personally gain more benefits in all areas of my life, than I could ever in any otehr situation. And since my life is about helping YOU release your abilities and make YOUR dreams come true, that means YOU ALL benefit as well! So no matter what the sentice is and no matter how long I have to spend in prison, I am at total peace and bliss! More iinsights tomorrow..All my love to you all.

Every situation in life is an opportunity and a gift. I am more excited now than ever because I am taking full advantage of this miracle to break through a "wall of fire" that is taking me to a place I have never been. This is the path I choose to create for myself. When I get out of "prison", be ready! The knowledge and trainings I will be teaching will blow away everything you have seen so far! Get ready! Get excited! And be prepared to be amazed!
Much love...Kevin

Today I received over 100 cards and letters from supporters! WOW...
I was so happy to see that everyone is HAPPY and feeling GOOD about this situation! Because I am very happy and I am feeling great! I feel even better knowing that they training has sunk in and people are following the training! It works if you work it! My situation appears to the untrained eye as negative..but it is not! It is a gift given to me and everyone associated with me...so to all of you.take advantage of this gift and situation as I am taking full advantage of it. Get all the amazing once in a lifetime benefits from this exciting adventure!
All my love!

Thank you all for the massive support and love you have all shown me. Please know that I chose to create this path I am on. This is a road very few will ever choose. But I created this as it is the ONLY road that will take me to where I want to go.
The reasons will be known and revealed to you all in due time. I want you all to know that everything is fine with me here. I have a great room mate...one of the most fascinating people I have ever met. I have a warm very comfortable bed. The meals are fine. I smile and laugh all day. People are amazed. They say..look, he doesn't have a care in the world! How does he do that!? I then share with them my secrets. I have much to be thankful and grateful for. I will be here until I get sentenced, which should happen by march at the latest, probably sooner. The judge can give me up to life in prison.
This is where the training pays off! Much love to all of you and more later!