I did something very dangerous yesterday

It was part of my mental training. I woke up and was determined to look for the "dirt' instead of the gold! This is a slippery slope as it might have been hard to get out of the abyss I knew I was going into...but I knew I had the mental power to pull myself out and passing this test would be very beneficial to me at this point in my training.
It was easy to find the dirt, it was everywhere! I realized I was actually in prison! Wow! Prison sucks! It is horrible. This is a nightmare. It is depressing, ugly, torture, and scary. 

It is really hell. Instantly I felt bad. I felt all the bad emotions. It happened fast and furious, and it was like a runaway freight train. People around noticed right away...saying " Kev are you alright? Did something bad happen?" When you look for dirt and focus on it, the universe will keep giving you more terrible things to look at. When you feel bad and think a bad thought, the universe keeps giving you (because you attract it) more and more bad thoughts...it takes a life of its own. 

I then pulled myself out! I knew going into the exercise I had the power at any moment to pull myself out because I always can deliberately focus my mind on something good. So I did. I did not feel good right away. You can’t go from feeling terrible to feeling bliss...you can only go from feeling terrible to feeling a little less terrible...little by little...you move up the emotional scale. I did this...but I am really well trained now! 

It only took me a couple minutes and I was back feeling amazing! You see, this place IS hell....AND it IS also heaven! You have the power to make ANYTHING heaven or hell. I have the power to make this place and this experience heaven for me. I have the power to make it anything I want. So do you. You have the power to turn YOUR hell (your negative situations) into something very positive for you. Y

OU have the power of your mind and where you focus your thoughts. Look for the gold in everything. Look for the positive aspects in everything...they ARE there! Find them…focus on them....and get feeling BETTER...THEN and only then will your reality change into a bliss experience....because you are feeling blissful in your CURRENT situation. Much love

There is a simply way to instantly feel better and increase your happiness/bliss/peace as well as your power and ability to manifest. Eliminate the words " I should; I have to; I must; I need; I need to." Replace them with: I could; I choose to; I have the option to; my mild preference is; I might; If I choose to, I could; I may decide; I want to; it is my pleasure to.

If you did this for just ONE day, you would feel a power that you never knew you had. You DO have the power to choose. You DO have the power to create. You can feel and have total freedom. YOU control your mind and thoughts. Do not be deceived into believing that your mind and thoughts control YOU and your emotions. No matter what, YOU always have complete dominion and supreme authority over your experience, your life, your emotions, your world, and your universe. You ALWAYS have the power to CHOOSE. You and only you decide what you will or will not do and what you will or will not think about. YOU are one with the omnipresent power (Source/Universe/God) that is invincible and has absolute unlimited abilities to be, do, and have anything and everything you CHOOSE to include in your experience. After you do this, leave a message here with your results! Enjoy the magic! Much Love Kevin Trudeau

As I said in a previous post there is a lot of card playing here. Spades, Gin, Rummy, poker...sometimes Texas Hold-em tournaments, casino and other card games. Plus the men play ping pong ( I am not very good, so everyone gets a good laugh!), chess, board games like monopoly, Risk, battleship, checkers and chess...and Dominos! Yes we all have fun everyday. We laugh and smile everyday. But no one here is really taking full advantage of the time to really better themselves. Most are just "passing the time". In YOUR life, are YOU just passing the time? I would encourage you to make everyday count. Enjoy it. Have fun. Laugh. Smile. But also.... read, listen to audios. Do something productive and do some actions that are helping you get closer to your goals...you will feel better about yourself and your all powerful most important self image will be even better! Loving my life and hoping you do as well! I wish everyone reading this was as lucky as I am!
Love and peace.. Kevin Trudeau