Had a great nights sleep after the sentencing!

Had a great nights sleep after the sentencing! Mandela got 28 years, I was blessed to get only 10. I have deep love and appreciation for the Judge and the prosecutors. Please send them love. A 10 year sentence means I will be out between 6-8 years depending on certain things. I will appeal the sentence and the verdict. I might get the verdict overturned and/or the sentenced reduced. The Universe knows what is best and perfect. You must to trust Devine Timing. I will use my time in prison, however long that turns out to be, to my advantage. There are reasons for everything. I KNOW my personal desires ARE being manifested. The HOW, and WHEN do not concern me, as the Devine knows and delivers Perfection in everything. Learn to trust. When I heard the sentence, I knew there were amazing things off the radar screen I did not see yet. I felt so excited for my upcoming adventure and all the blessings that are in store for me! Time issues cause much negative emotions with people. You want something, but don't have it NOW, and you feel bad. Space also causes negative emotions issues. You are here, and want to be there, and you feel bad. In the energy dimension, there is no time and space. If you see everything as energy, WHEN something happens or manifests in THIS time/space reality does not matter anymore, as you begin to understand that everything reveals itself at the absolute perfect time. This temporary time away is my personal exciting adventure for growth, learning, and where I am releasing abilities that I will be able to teach to you all! There are people I must meet, and who must meet me. There are experiences and emotions I must confront. There are walls of fire I must walk through. There are breakthroughs I must make. All is being given to me in perfect divine order for the highest good of everyone. Thank you again for all your love and support. Everything is Perfect! Much love.

There are different roads to take in life. None is wrong. Most of you simply want more STUFF (money, all your bills paid, cars, material things, prestige etc)! There is nothing right or wrong about this choice. It is neither good nor bad. There is not a "better" choice...just different ones. Wanting material things, security, pleasurable experiences, good relationships, money, prestige, power, etc is a perfect choice for those who make that choice. However, you think you will be happy and content WHEN you get more "stuff". You think you cannot be truly happy without "stuff". But you will never get "enough" money, sex, food, pleasure, power, "stuff", security, etc to satisfy you! And you think that if you seek joy/bliss/peace/harmony/serenity/happiness/contentment as a main focus, you will never get the "stuff", and you will miss out on the "stuff" (because right now you really want the stuff!) and you think you will never be happy without the stuff. The fact is you can be, do, and have ANYTHING you want! So if you want "stuff", AND you want to be happy, you CAN have both! If you JUST want joy/bliss etc you will STILL automatically have desires born every time you see your life experience and you will automatically choose a preference/make a choice of what you want or prefer, and a desire is born. A main block to you being happy and/or getting the "stuff" you want, is you look at other people and judge/criticize them and their choices/preferences. Focus on yourself. Accept others. Never judge them. Love them. Appreciate them. See the perfection in them. DO NOT TRY TO CHANGE THEM! If someone chooses NOT to want stuff, but instead wants to live a Spartan/simple life with little material/worldly possessions…allow them to live the life they want! That is why I say do not follow the path I have chosen. I have gone through almost all the levels of consciousness now. This is similar to Maslow's hierarchy of needs. My choices NOW are quite different than most of you. Not better, just different. But I have been where you are! Most of you simply want to be able to manifest your desires easier and faster...and ultimately feel good (at peace, happy, contentment, etc). I would suggest you consider the good emotions...peace, serenity, happiness, joy, bliss, ecstasy, exhilaration, contentment, having fun, laughing, smiling, security, comfort, pleasure, harmony, acceptance, wanted, loved, thankfulness, appreciation, terrific, fantastic, tremendous, amazing, magnificent, etc. Make a list of all these kind of words. And then read each one and look up the definition. Feel the feeling of each one. This is a great exercise with amazing benefits. You will vibrate and feel so good! Which means you will be in a state where all your previous desires/wants can now come into your life! After you do this..THEN ask yourself "what do I desire/want". You might find something interesting has happened! Enjoy the journey...and I will see you at the top! Much love.. Kevin Trudeau