I suggest to you to count your blessings. Look for the gold.

People always complain about not having what they want. They complain about having bills, not having the car or house of their dreams. Not having enough money etc. I suggest to you to count your blessings. Look for the gold. List the things you are grateful for. Being happy and fulfilled is a choice. It is a decision. It is how you frame things. It is the contrast you create and the perspective you put on things. Consider where I am. I am so thankful! I have a clean comfortable warm bed. Great food. I have better living conditions than the majority of the millions who are in the military. I have it better than the majority of the millions in prisons in countries around the world! I have it better than the millions of homeless. I have it better than the tens of millions who go to bed cold, hungry, and live without running water or clean sewage and no sanitation. There are tens of millions who are sleeping on dirt floors, who are riddled with disease and sickness with no hope. I am so lucky. I have an amazing opportunity to relax and de-stress! Everything is free for me! The government is paying for everything! WOW! How lucky am I!??
I could be paying huge money to go to a monastery or ashram somewhere and have much less comfortable living conditions. I get this as a gift. Remember, in life, turn lemons into lemonade! Smile and be happy! Love you all!

You have to know as I do, that no matter what situation you are or how bad it appears...
- There are always things to be thankful and grateful for!
-you absolutely can CHOOSE to be happy! (YOU control how you feel!)
-you can choose to take advantage of the great and best opportunity to clarify what you WANT and with strong emotion and particle flow, you can then focus on what you want and create your future faster than at any other time!

My first hand experience is giving me even more insights and knowledge that YOU will benefit from in the near future.
I love you all!

I feel I am being blessed by many of the men here. They are all so polite and respectful of each other. It feels like a big family where everyone watches out for and takes care of each other. The men make sure you have enough food and basic supplies. They introduce themselves. When a new person comes in, he is greeted and made to feel welcome. So many of the men have talked to me and are giving me their support. I also feel that maybe I am being a blessing to some of the men here as well. When I tell someone that he is a good person and things will work out if they keep a good attitude, I can see the hope and smile in their faces. As many of the men here are answers to my needs, I feel I am being an answer to some of their prayers and needs too. It is all so exciting to see and experience. How lucky I am!