Everyday here is exciting

Every day here is exciting. It is not what people think. We have clean private showers. Great food, Fresh fruit and veggies. I get kosher beef, chicken, fish. Fresh whole grain bread. Filtered water. I finally have time to exercise and stretch everyday. There is a daily yoga clean each morning! I get 1 full hour of meditation 2 times a day. There are great card games, spades, Gin rummy, poker etc. We play chess. And great reading. We have a great library. We play ping pong and there are some really good players! There are movies everyday and 4 TVs going all the time. We go to sleep at 10pm and wake at 6am...perfect for health! Everyday the unit is filled with the men smiling and laughing...ALL DAY! We are having so much fun living in this stress free environment. No bills! No worries! No hassles! No dramas! The only time I laughed and smiled more was the weeks I go fishing in Canada! We can buy food in the commissary and some of the guys spend hours cooking...so much fun and I am learning lots of cooking tricks! You see...you can make the best of any situation!

I am so excited about my current experience. I choose this road. This is a road very few should choose or need to choose. But for me this is the only road that will take me to where I want and need to go! I am excited!! For me, I must lose everything. Material things and physical freedom. I must be stripped of all ego. I must be totally humble, and be free of all fear. Only then will I be able to tap into a power source and release abilities and gain secret knowledge. I can tell you already miracles are happening to me! Wow! Keep reading this blog, I will share more with you in upcoming posts

Hello Loyal Kevin fans, This is one of Kevin's best friend's and just so you know they do have access to email in jail! They may email family and close friends. Kevin, however, does not have access to "surf the net" for those who are wondering how this is possible, he emails me and I post his messages. Please send as many to his page as possible as this will help the courts to see how many of us love him. I do copy many of your messages and send them to Kevin so he can read what you are saying to him!! Thank you for all the kind words! I know it helps him to stay focused and positive.