As I go through each day here with the full knowledge

As I go through each day here with the full knowledge that I could be in prison for 18 or more years, in many ways, I wish this was much harder to deal with. As we go through life, it is the hard things we deal with that makes us grow, makes us stronger, and where we learn the most. Do not be sad when you face challenges, be grateful for them as they are what makes you better!

Everyday day I get over 100 letters and cards, many with pictures! Thank you so so much for your love and support. I sit and read every one. I have never felt so loved in my life. Thank you all for this amazing blessing. I am so lucky to have this experience of feeling overwhelming love and support. 
The other day it snowed in Chicago. I sat for a while and just smiled as I watched the beautiful snowfall outside. I can not remember when I just sat and enjoyed watching a snowfall. I am so thankful for this opportunity to be able to enjoy the simple pleasures such as this! I feel so lucky. I feel bad for people who have no time to enjoy simple things like this. Enjoy every moment. Stop and smell the flowers! Life is for living, not rushing through.

For years I had wanted the opportunity to go to an "ashram" or monastery, or some kind of "retreat", where I could be alone and contemplate, think, reflect, meditate, exercise, and be totally removed from society. I am enjoying my time today doing just that! WOW! You do get in life what you ask for! I am so blessed and happy. Think of your life. You are in fact living the life you created. Make the most of it or change it and create the life you want. Remember, everyday you and you alone can make the decision to be happy and have a great day no matter what the circumstances appear. Life is truly exciting and wonderful!

Another day with over 100 cards and letters..thank you again soo soo much!
When I get out...months from now or years from now..I will do a comeback ready! I will be rested..focused...and will have more knowledge and power than you could ever imagine...your world will be rocked! 
Remember..when you are humbled you are the most teachable. Now I am more teachable than ever! And even more important, when you have nothing else to lose, when all of your worldly possessions are gone, you are totally free. This freedom allows you to tap into the universal field more fully than at any other time. Combine being totally teachable (humbled) with no attachments to material things..and you gain power and knowledge you could never have gained. This is what is happening to me..and I will be sharing this with all of you in the future!

Think about this quote; "I detach myself from preconceived outcomes and trust that all is well. Being myself allows the wholeness of my unique magnificence to draw me in those directions most beneficial to me and to all others. This is really the only thinking I have to do. And within that framework, everything that is truly mine comes into my life effortlessly, in the most magical and unexpected ways imaginable, demonstrating every day the power and love of who I truly am"

Anita Moorjani from her book "Dying to be Me": My journey from Cancer, to Death, to True Healing. Michael Singer in his books: The Untethered Soul and the Surrender Experiment also share this concept. Esther Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) has been saying this for years with the concept of being in a state of "Allowing".
This is a secret to not only manifesting your desires, but inner peace, contentment and fulfillment.
Much love, Your friend, Kevin Trudeau