When you have desires...what you "want" is your destination

When you have desires...what you "want" is your destination. But sometimes....what you "want" is more in the journey!
If you "want" to go white water rafting...it is the trip down the river...the journey...that you want...not the destination where your raft ends up! If you "want" to go hiking...or trekking….it is more the journey that you really enjoy...not so much getting to your final destination. If you "want" to go to Rome...then it is more the destination that you will enjoy.
However...if you really want to experience a full exciting bliss filled life....ALWAYS enjoy the journey...as well as the destination. You will spend more of your life on the "journey" to what you want...than actually "getting there". For me, I am in the journey and adventure of a lifetime! I do know the actual destination. I know exactly where I am going and what my ultimate desire is. I know what I will "get"...what I "want". And I know that there is a journey I MUST go on, in order to get to where I want to go! There is a place in Zion National Park in Utah called Angels Landing. If your desire is to go there. If your "want" is to get there...there is ONLY ONE way there! One trail! One journey! You might hate the hard dangerous hike...or you might enjoy it...but it is the ONLY way to get to Angels Landing! For me...there is only ONE road to where I want to go. I choose this road...so I am totally enjoying this journey...because I know I WILL get to my ultimate destination. I MUST go through this wall of fire! How long will the journey take? I cannot tell you. Maybe a few months, maybe a few years, maybe 20 years. It matters not! I am more excited everyday now than I have been in all my life...because I am 100% following my bliss and going after MY personal ultimate dream! WOW! I finally took the plunge and went after what I have always put off till another day! I was told about something I could have over 20 years ago...a "place" I could get to where I would find ultimate knowledge and release abilities beyond comprehension....but the ROAD would be ..hmmmmm.."interesting!". Some may say the road would be hard, dangerous, scary...for me I reframed it and made it a road full of excitement and adventure! And now I am on that road...and enjoying the journey! Enjoy YOUR journeys you will go on as you go after your dreams, your desire, and your "wants". Remember...ALWAYS enjoy the journey as well and enjoy the destination!

You hear a lot about needing to forgive and needing to "heal" if you truly want to have joy and happiness in your life. Thousands of books, authors and experts talk about the need to "heal oneself" of the "wounds" we have painfully endured in life, and all the suffering we have experienced.
Is this true?
Consider this. When I was young I was introduced to a man who was going to "open my eyes to the truth of success". I was looking forward to meeting a successful man who could tell me the secrets of prosperity and happiness.
The man was not the kind of person I expected to meet. He was not "successful" as far as I could see. He lived in a small apartment. He did not have lots of money. He was not healthy. His life seemed tragic.
Early in his marriage, his wife had unexpectedly left him and their daughter to be with another man, and cut off all communication with both of them. His daughter, his only child, was killed a few years later while she was driving a car drunk. He was a diabetic whose right foot had been amputated.
Yet he was blissfully at peace with everything in his life. You could see it in his eyes. You could feel his inner sense of love, contentment, and fulfillment. He had a knowingness about him that was magical.
He was at harmony with himself, his circumstances, and all those around him. I asked him about his tragic and painful life, how he could have such genuine happiness, and how he seemed to radiate authentic inner joy.
He told me he had a realization early in his life that allowed him to see things from a different viewpoint and perspective. He clearly saw, with total certainty and knowingness, that he simply was experiencing his karma in this life. He said that after that "awakening", he never suffered in life, he simply observed and witnessed what was occurring like watching a movie.
I asked him how he healed his wounds. He smiled and said that he never had any wounds to heal. This realization (that one never has any wounds to heal) he said, was the key to bliss. I asked him how he could forgive those who hurt him. He said there was no one and nothing to forgive, and there is never anyone or anything to forgive, as it is all just the perfect play of consciousness manifesting in the physical world for us to experience.
This realization (that there is nothing ever to forgive) he said, was the key to bliss. I asked him how he endured pain and suffering. He said that while the body and mind can experience "pain", the SELF that witnesses and observes this never suffers.
Realization of this is the key to bliss. I asked "How does one get the realization of these things?" He said "grace" from a master. This "grace" is the transference of energy from one who has attained what you seek, to you, thus awakening the dormant energy within you.

This takes you out of your "trance". This takes you out of your "sleep". This allows you to "see the truth" and experience true reality. You have asked, and therefore you have already received this "grace", simply allow yourself to receive it. Much love, Kevin Trudeau