How mentally tough are you?

How mentally tough are you? Could you handle what I am going through? Do you have all your desires in life? Hmmmm
I have manifested ALL my dreams and desires I have ever wanted AND I have the mental toughness to easily handle my current chosen situation. See? Work on YOUR mental toughness and YOU will manifest more of your dreams! No matter what situation you are in, people have gone through and dealt with and survived much, much more! When faced with challenges, be strong! You can handle anything! And you will be much better after you deal with your challenge!

Don’t feel sad for me. I am far from sad. I am so happy, more than ever! The reason I am so happy is I knew long ago that this would probably be coming for me. I chose it. I accepted it. I was preparing for it. I was welcoming and embracing it. I was looking at it as an adventure, a challenge, and an experience that would make me a better person and release abilities that I would have never been able to release unless I experienced this situation. All great people in history have gone through tragedy and/or devastating times in their lives. Many went to prison. In the Bible, Joseph was thrown in prison for over 7 years. Read the Book of Job in the Bible...think about Mandela, Gandhi, Chavez, even people like Steven Jobs. Great people who do great things have all had major tragedy. Health issues, bankruptcy, losing all material possessions, family problems, having their businesses taken away, being put in prison etc.. Think about and read the stories of Onassis, Pat Robertson, Walt Disney, Colonel Sanders, Ray Crock etc. The list goes on. This road is not for everyone and most people should NOT chose this road. But you all will benefit from the road I have taken...Much love to you all

The men here are amazing. I have met many new teachers, and I am the student. I am learning so much from men whose life and experiences I would have never been exposed to. Some of these men have been her for 4 or more years and have yet to be charged with a crime, or are still waiting for trial. They live every day with total uncertainty. They could be facing 10 or more additional years. They are away from their kids and families. Yet they smile everyday. They laugh everyday. They have faith in the future. They are very into their music, with MP3 players, they have all their favorites downloaded and have their earphones in all day! Cards, chess, scrabble, dominoes, and TV take up most of their days. Reading is not a major thing. Sad. I have brought in some Magic of Thinking Big books and some of the men are reading them and discussing itI feel lucky to be learning so much, and I think some of the men are learning a few things from me as well.