Trudeau, 51 is Sentenced to 10 Years in Jail by U.S. District Judge Ronald Guzman

After a long trial, convictions and investigation the final sentencing has been reached. Judge Ronald Guzman has found kevin trudeau in contempt of court, sentencing him to 10 years in prison.

On March 17th 2014 the informercial tv salesman will serve time for the action of not cooperating with the government and paying a fine of $37 Million Dollars.

Those who are supporters of the author were in court and Trudeau says he is a changed man and realizes his errors.

I sat down today to starting writing all the things I am thankful and grateful for... things like my health.. my friends... my loving supportive parents etc. I wrote and wrote and wrote... over 1 hour later I was still writing things I was thankful and grateful for. I then began to think of all the poor unfortunate people that, unlike me, are suffering. People who are hungry and cold. Living in horrible conditions. I felt so sorry for them, and I felt so lucky and blessed.
No matter what your situation is, you can find the gold..find the good...find the blessings. When you do this you begin to feel a certain way... a good feeling... and this vibration will create an amazing future! Much Love Kevin Trudeau

In several messages on this page and in trainings, I used certain words without ever really defining them for you. I did this on purpose. When you read something and come to a word that has not been clearly defined, it can cause confusion. It can also force YOU to investigate and define the word, which brings about knowingness and clarity. Here are the words that have been used and not specifically defined. I suggest you get a massive dictionary and read the definitions, AND find other sources to define the words, and discuss with others the true definitions of the words. THEN go back and reread the posts/messages on this page, and watch a miracle happen right before your eyes! You will experience MAGIC! I am so excited for you! Then report here what happened so others can be motivated to do this simple yet an all powerful process. Here are the words: Ego; Self; Higher Self; Truth; Mind; Thoughts; Enlightenment; Feelings; Emotions; Knowingness; Awareness. Enjoy the mind blowing experience and feel your inner Self expand beyond your wildest imagination. Love.......... Kevin Trudeau

There are many wonderful "teachers" who are very well intentioned, all trying to "teach" people how to "be successful", be happy, make money, be enlightened, and manifest / attract / create one's dreams / desires. These people want to be your "coach or mentor", or they want to be your "guru", leader, teacher, or guide. Many genuinely want to help you. Most, if not all, however, FIRST, want to make money themselves, and need to feed their EGO by having "followers" / fans, and being the "star" of the show. They crave being on stage. They desire more than anything, the applause, the accolades, the spotlight. This is not "bad", as the ego can be a wonderful thing to witness. It does produce an entertaining "show" which is a drama at times, a comedy at times, and a horror show at other times. If you "watch" the ego of others play out, and you realize and see it as the ego, you will be amused. Remember, that what YOU are witnessing is really a reflection of YOUR vibration. Think about that…
I tell you this to help you as you use your own discernment, and discrimination when deciding "who to listen to". Many of you stress out over which seminar or courses to take, what books to read, who’s advice / method / system / club they should follow and join. Relax with all of this. Follow your feelings. Always be open. Simply use discernment and discrimination. Do not judge, condemn or criticize.
You CAN and SHOULD learn from EVERYONE and every situation. Remember, the wise man learns from the fool, but the fool cannot even learn from the wise man. Enjoy the show! Much love..... Kevin Trudeau

Most people do not think about "enlightenment", or self realization. Most people think that those ideals are a waste of time because they have bills to pay! Most people think that the inner feelings that they seek can only be obtained from the acquisition and attainment of "things"; achievements and status; and having more stuff than the "other guys".
Thus manifesting one’s desires are the most important thing to most people. Getting more money is high on the list of over 90% of people in America (this changes slightly by culture).
There is nothing wrong with wanting things or having desires.
There is nothing wrong with celebrating attaining something that you had as a goal (money, a successful business, a job promotion, a big house, a fancy car, a weight loss or physical aspect objective, a spectacular vacation etc).
However, when you think that when you attain your desire, your will have the internal feelings that is your true core desire, you will be, as all others have, extremely disappointed. Having inner joy, peace, equanimity, and bliss FIRST, no matter what the outside conditions, will allow you to easily attain your "desires" while always being in a state of happiness.
Thus, you live a marvelous, wonderful, magical life full of joy, friends, family, laughter, and filled with love. You are all special. Think about these things. I will see you at the top! Much love... Kevin Trudeau