Have you read the Book of Job in the Bible?

Have you read the Book of Job in the Bible? I have just read it again....8 times....from 8 different translations. It does not matter if you are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist or whatever,..the book will reveal to you many secrets of life....try it....!!

Last night was sat... We made homemade pizza! Great! Watched the UFC fights on FOX! FUN! Played cards…had lots of laughs! Made a late night hot chocolate!! YUM!! Not kidding! Life is what YOU make of it! Remember…adapt, improvise...and overcome! And be HAPPY doing it! Much love! KT

My roommate is hilarious! We laugh everyday. He is a genius, like rainman. He is perhaps the most interesting person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Everyone here is so different. All their personalities are so interesting and unique. I love interacting with them, talking, listening to their stories and thoughts of life. I love hearing their perspective about things. So interesting and thought provoking. Some speak this unique inner city language that is hard to understand. We have a good laugh when I keep saying.."what did you just say?!?!"...So much fun. It is like summer camp for adults here or a college dorm. Look at YOUR life and find all the GOOD things that YOU can find. For me, this is part of me...finding all the GOOD things and focusing on those things and feeling good NOW. If I can do it here...YOU can do it where you are! Love to all of you!

Manifesting formula:
When you have a specific desire, dream, or goal, (such as wanting a new house or car; a new better job; a mate; a better relationship with someone; a physical healing in your body; weight loss; more money; a financial miracle to get you out of debt; to stop being depressed; to have inner peace, etc.), in order for your desire to manifest do these steps:
-first, you have to know specifically what you want. You should be clear about what you want. Generally, your desire should be very specific, as much as it can be. Define your dream/desire/goal/chief aim.

-then, you have to imagine in your mind's eye, yourself in possession of what you are wanting to attain. See yourself, as clearly and vividly as you can, in your imagination, actually living your life with what you are wanting to achieve. See this as a vivid movie that can run for between 1-3 minutes at least, more is even better. Try to include all the senses in your movie (sight, smells, tastes, textures, etc.)
-THEN, the first secret ingredient is, as you see that movie in your imagination, FEEL the emotions and feelings right now, AS IF you would feel, if you actually were in possession of your desire right now. The FEELINGS are the key.
-Then, the most powerful secret ingredient is that you have to feel that same way, even if you KNOW you will NEVER get what you desire. Imagine NOT getting your desire, EVER. You should STILL FEEL the same way right now, AS IF you WOULD feel if you DID have your desire, while imagining you will NEVER get your desire. You are releasing the outcome to the Universe. You are Letting Go of the outcome.
"Run" this in your mind over and over, maybe a dozen or more times if needed until you become indifferent to the outcome.
Get to the point where you are not attached to any particular outcome or result.
Get to the point where if you think of attaining your desire and never attaining your desire, you feel the SAME WAY.
Get to the point where you simply don't give a hoot anymore if you get what you are wanting or not, because you feel so full of joy and happiness right now.
Get to the point where you are totally at peace right now, NO MATTER IF YOU GET YOUR DESIRE OR NOT.
Get to the point where you feel if you get what you want, great! But if you don't get what you want, you really don't care! You feel that SAME either way.
THAT is "Surrendering to the Universe".
That is "Letting Go".
That is being in a state of "Allowing".
That is "NON Attachment"
That is "Casting all your cares (wishes, wants and desires) upon the Lord".
(There are DOZENS of Biblical scriptures, both Old and New Testament, that I could quote here which NOW might actually make sense to you. There are also hundreds of other ancient scriptures from the Indian Veda's, The Tao, Buddha etc. that also all say the same thing.)