Your efforts are paying off! to approve KevinTrudeau. Petition for Commutation of Sentence

Your efforts are paying off! People who wrote the President are getting responses mailed back! It seems that your physical letters to the President are being read by "someone" at the White House. While the President himself probably does not read every letter received, and probably does not read ANY of the letters he gets, the fact is "someone" is reading the letters. The more often you write the President asking him to approve my Petition for Commutation of Sentence (have my sentence reduced), the more likely the President will take positive action.
Go to and get all the details about the various things you can do, such as writing letters to the President, that can help get my Petition approved. Thank you for all your help. These are exciting times. I know many of you have taken these last few years as great opportunity to learn much about the secrets of manifesting your desires, being happy regardless of the external conditions and getting more in tuned with the One Universal Infinite Source of all that is! Life is tremendous! Much love. KT

As you may know, I am serving a 10 year prison sentence for "contempt of court", because I went on TV and talked about my books (all the details are at I have filed an Official Petition for Commutation of Sentence with the President. This means I am asking the President to exercise his power to lower my sentence and have me released. As of today, there has been no response from the White House. However, this is not unusual. The President has yet to appoint and have confirmed the person who will be in charge of the Pardon Office. 

So, keep writing, tweeting, emailing, posting on the facebook pages and calling. The President, the Vice President, The First Lady Melania, Ivanka, Eric, Donald Jr, Jared Kushner, Kelly Ann Conway, as well as your Senator and Congressman telling them you support the decision to have my sentence commuted. Tell them about all the information at Maybe send them copies of my books, or copies of the letters I have sent to the President. 

The more you do, and the more often you do it, the better the chances are that the President will see the massive support there is for commuting my sentence. Thanks for all you do! While I am optimistic that the President will commute my sentence, there still is one more legal appeal I can file. This is called a 2255 motion. This appeal must be filed by November of this year. That is the deadline. My current lawyers cannot file this appeal. I need to find a new lawyer who has successfully filed 2255's in the past and would like to take on my case. If you know of a lawyer that would be interested in being considered, please have that lawyer contact me at email address. Perhaps if you are motivated you could reach out to some "superstar" lawyers and see if they would be interested in representing me. 

The lawyer who takes on this appeal, will be massive publicity. They could, if they wanted, be on virtually every major TV and radio talk show as well as be interviewed in newspaper and magazines worldwide, as this is a free speech, and government suppression and censorship issue. Thanks for your help on this! So you all know, I have no attachment to any particular outcome. I know everything is perfect right now. I am happy right now. There is nothing I "want, need or desire". I have it all! 

This is a wonderful state that you too can be established and anchored in at all times, regardless of the circumstances and external conditions you are experiencing. I teach how to have this state in The Science of Personal Mastery Course. To become a student and get the Course (emailed to in monthly Lessons) email Much love, and I will see you all at the TOP!

Here is the address for those who want to write a physical letter - He does read them and enjoys the letters very much...Let him know how you are doing with his mentoring in The Science of Personal Mastery Course! And feel free to also post here! We do send him all your posts and your amazing energy you send in them! Thank you!

Kevin Trudeau - 18046036

I wanted to add my endorsement on the audio. At $200 it's a bargain. I paid a lot more for it, and I'm glad I did. Over 5 hours of Kevin teaching from his knowingness. It awakens the basics, revives any failed purpose to learn this, and reminds us in a new unit of time of everything we've learned plus teaching new.
There's a process for dealing with adversity. I recommend this highly to everyone, no matter your level in or out of any other club, and at any place in the Science of Personal Mastery lessons. I see it as the bridging between the Science of Personal Mastery Course and all previous courses, such as the Success Mastery Course. JD
Proceeds go the KT Defense Fund

Do you want ask me a question about anything and get a personal response? Many of you do. I get so many letters where people ask me all kinds of questions. Some people ask me about how to manifest their dreams. Some tell me their situation and ask me for advice. Some ask about things in the Success Mastery Course, or about something they read in a book or heard in seminar. Some are questions about how my life is and how I am overcoming adversity so well. Some are about enlightenment, Self Realization and how to feel complete, whole, satisfied and fulfilled. I cannot answer all the questions that I get in the mail. But I do answer every question I get from contributors to the Nuggets of Gold Newsletter and students of The Science of Personal Mastery Course. To receive the Newsletter (and get The Science of Personal Mastery Course Lessons emailed to you each month), simply send an email to for more info… So, if you want to communicate with me and get your questions answered personally, inquire about my Newsletter and become a student of the Course!