You can always have a deep and total feeling of contentment, satisfaction, and fulfillment. You can always feel totally connected, whole, and complete.
This comes from within you. Focus within. The Source of all these wonderful feelings that were just mentioned is within you. Allow them to flow and bubble up.
Focus on this inner "Source". It is who you really are, as you are an extension of this ONE Universal Source that is all things. To learn more about how to do this, become my student by taking The Science of Personal Mastery Course (Info available at ) Much love, KT
The mind cannot comprehend the concept of Universal Oneness. This reality is that everything is simply a manifestation of the same One Universal Infinite Intelligence. This has been called many names such as God; Consciousness; The SELF; the Force; The Field; Energy; All-That-IS; etc. The mind is anchored in duality, thus rejects Oneness. In order to "see" the true reality, you must "get out of your mind". When someone says to you "You are out of your mind!". Smile inside and be happy, as you are on your way to full Realization. I am sending you love, and I will see you in the space between thoughts. KT
Think about each of the following statements and questions, and then answer out loud.
Think of one thing you want to have and say what it is.
Think of one thing you want to do and say what it is.
Think of who, how and what you want to be, and say it in detail out loud.
Most people think that once they have what they want, then they can do what they want, and then they can be who, how and what they want to be. Ultimately everyone is looking for an inner feeling that is that "something" missing. This feeling is one of wholeness, completeness, bliss, joy, satisfaction, fulfillment, contentment and oneness.
The secret is to BE who, how and what you want to be right now, before you have or do what you are seeking. Then, you will manifest what you want to have and do it faster and easier. Most importantly, you will be happier right now. As the Dalai Lama said, "The meaning of life is happiness". I teach how to do this in my new course the Science of Personal Mastery.... Email for details. Much love KT.
Imagine being supremely confident, but not arrogant or conceited. Imagine having such total knowingness that you never need to be affirmed, or validated by anyone. Imagine never feeling the need to convince anyone or prove anything.
Think about never needing to argue or debate anyone about anything. Dream about never having the need to feel respected, never needing to be understood, never needing to be recognized or given credit for something you did. Imagine never being effected by what someone says or does to you, or doesn't say or do!
Imagine having total clarity and certainty but remaining completely humble, and never having any doubts, fears, or worries about anything. Dream about always feeling joy inside and never being effected by external conditions, situations, events, people or circumstances. Imagine being amused by everything and everyone and having an inner laugh and smile for you actually "see" everyone and everything as simply a play of the One Universal Consciousness.
Think about how your life would be always feeling lighthearted and cheerful, without any concerns or stress, and never feeling the need to change anyone or anything in order to make you happy. You can be this person. I teach you how in The Science of Personal Mastery Course. People from all over the world are students in this Course and the results are nothing less than spectacular and mind blowing.
Join us in "Happy Land". Email to receive the Nuggets of Gold Newsletter information and get Lesson 1 in the Course emailed to you. Each month you will get the next Lesson and your life will never be the same. I know I will see you on the beaches of the world soon! Much love, KT
Success is a decision away. This is so simple, yet absolute Truth. When you make a "real decision" that you are going to do something, the whole Universe stands up at attention and will do your bidding.
When you are totally resolute that you are going to do something, no matter what comes up, the whole world will get out of you way, or help you achieve your dream. Everyone will move out of the way or assist the man who knows where he is going, and has absolute determination that he will get there and attitude that he will never be denied.
This "decision" sets out a frequency and vibration that creates results. Success is a decision away. Decide now that you WILL achieve your dream. Much love, KT
When you are totally resolute that you are going to do something, no matter what comes up, the whole world will get out of you way, or help you achieve your dream. Everyone will move out of the way or assist the man who knows where he is going, and has absolute determination that he will get there and attitude that he will never be denied.
This "decision" sets out a frequency and vibration that creates results. Success is a decision away. Decide now that you WILL achieve your dream. Much love, KT