With this in mind think of this. Your thoughts effect how you feel and how you act. So, it is important to "think good thoughts". However, your feelings effect how you think. So you should work on "feeling good" so you can think good thoughts. Your feelings also affect how you act. If you are feeling bad, you do not "do" the actions required to achieve what you desire.
But wait, there is more! How you act (the physical things you do) effect how you think and how you feel. So even if you feel bad and are thinking negative thoughts, by ACTING AS IF you feel good, you start to actually feel good, and then start thinking good thoughts.
This is the AS IF principle. In life however, most people "think" a thought, which in turn determines how they feel. How they feel then determines how they act and what actions they do or do not do. Those who can control their thoughts, thus control how they feel and how they act. Thus they control their vibrations and what they attract in life.
You can control how you feel many ways including using the AS IF principle. Dale Carnegie said it best "ACT enthusiastic, and you will very soon FEEL enthusiastic". But there is an even a more powerful level. Most people think with the "head" or their mind. Wizards however "think" with their "heart" or feelings.
When you can learn how to "feel" first even before a thought or an action, you can create any thought and action you want. You then become a true magician that can conjure up anything you want anytime you want. Since you control your feelings, you always feel content, satisfied, and fulfilled. You always experience bliss in addition to being able to manifest things quickly and easily.
I teach how to do this in The Science of Personal Mastery Course that is part of the Kevin Trudeau Legal Defense Fund. Email us for more information at KTLegalDefense@gmail.com - The Nuggets of Gold Newsletter is emailed each month along with a Lesson in the Course, starting with Lesson One. You can have, be, and do, whatever you desire. You simply need to learn "how". Much love...KT
You can achieve all your dreams. You can be, have and do anything you want in this life...within reason.
All you have to do is know exactly what you want, be obsessed with it, think about it all the time, make the decision that you are going to have it no matter what, and have a burning desire to achieve it.
Life is wonderful once you decide it is. You are wonderful and you will know this fact once you realize who you really are.
You are perfect. You are Divine. You are an extension of Source, just as everyone and everything is. We are one.
You are perfect. You are Divine. You are an extension of Source, just as everyone and everything is. We are one.