Many people want/desire material things in their life

Many people want/desire material things in their life, such as money and the things money can buy. There is nothing good or bad about any desire. One person's desire is not better than someone else's desire. Whatever YOU desire and makes you feel good on the inside is true to your nature and I encourage you to manifest it. In the process of attaining your desire/wish/want, you might change your mind and decide you no longer want to pursue that particular desire, as your desires can change as we change. If you are consistent with your wanting of your desire, and you ultimately, in time, attain your original desire, you may love it and feel great, or you may find that it did not give you the feeling you thought it would. Either way, you will then clarify what you NOW want and decide on a different/new desire...and the process continues.

All of you want/desire something. Most of you want/desire material things. Some of you want non material things such as spiritual enlightenment or better relationships, or just a feeling of peace, bliss, inner joy, tranquility, serenity, contentment, harmony… Remember, there are no right and wrong desires and some desires are not better than others. All desires are the same in this regard. However, although the principles used to manifest apply to everything, the METHODS used to manifest/attain material things are slightly different than for manifesting nonmaterial things. 

Therefore, for your convenience, I have listed books that FOCUS on manifesting material things, and books that FOCUS on non material/spiritual things, and books that FOCUS on SKILLS that will help you better deal with life and people. This is not a complete list. There are many, many other great books. This list is simply my suggestions, at this moment in time. (most of these have been consistently my suggestions for decades) You might know other books you like and suggest as well. I have read all the books on the following lists many, many times, and I have reread them all within the last year. I have also read thousands of other books over the years and of all the books I have read, I suggest the books on the following lists. 

Think about that before you read or suggest other books. I do believe if you just read the books on the following list and nothing else, you would have all you need and more to achieve the greatest happiness in your life and manifest any and all your desires. I also feel that these will give you the easiest and fastest path to making all your dreams and wishes come true. Most of all, enjoy the JOURNEY and feel good right NOW!

All the books listed MUST still be read with discernment. All Esther Hicks/Abraham books/cds however are 99.5% pure!

Books FOCUSING on manifesting material things: (you STILL must read with discernment!)
-Ask and it is Given..Hicks
-The law of Attraction ..Hicks
-All other Esther Hicks/Abraham books
-The Secret (DVD and Book)
-The Magic...Bryne
-The Science of Getting Rich..Wattles
-Think and Grow Rich..Hill
-The law of Success in 16 lessons..Hill
-all other Napoleon Hill books
-Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude..Stone/Hill
-The ORIGINAL Pyschosybernetics.. Maxwell Maltz
-The Power of the Subconscious Mind...Joe Murphy
-Wishes Fulfilled....Dwyer (based on 6 other books..all I recommend, you will find those books and authors when you read this.)
-Conversations with God..Book 1
-Conversations with God...Guidebook
-The Magic of Thinking Big..Schwartz
-The 4 Hour Work Week..Ferris
-Infomercial Secrets Revealed..DVD's....Trudeau
-Your Wish is Your Command..CD's
-GIN Success Mastery Course levels 1-6
-It Works!
-The Magic Story
-The Magic of Believing
-The Prosperity Bible (contains 19 small books..EXCELLENT!)
-What to say when you talk to yourself...Shad Helmsteder

Books FOCUSING on non material/spiritual/feel good NOW (you still must read with Discernment!)
-Conversations with God book 1-2-3
-Conversations with God guidebooks
-All other books by Neale Donald Walsh
-Opening Doors Within (EXCELLENT!)
-Ask and it is Given...Hicks
-All Esther Hicks/Abraham books
-Wishes Fulfilled...Dwyer
-A Course in Miracles
-Siddah Yoga course
-GIN Success Mastery Course level 5-6
-You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
-Love yourself-heal your Louise Hay

Books FOCUSING on life SKILLS (you still must read with discernment)
-The 4 Hour Work Week...Ferris
-See you at the Top...Ziglar
-The Power of Positive Thinking..Peale
-How to Win Friends and Influence People
-How to Have Power and Confidence in Dealing with People...Les Giblin
-Mega Memory…Trudeau.. (book or audio CDs...CD course is the best option)

You may say, "this list contains too many books. I will never have time to read them all." Realize you do not have to read them all to make your dreams come true, you only have to read for at least 5-10 minutes a day...everyday...and within a very short period of time, if you focus on what you are reading and apply what you read, you WILL manifest your desires!
It is not about the number of books you read or how fast you read them. It is about applying what you read! Remember the word of the Shoalin Monk to me.."I am not afraid of the 10,000 strikes you know that you practiced only once each, I am afraid of the 1 strike that you practiced 10,000 times!"
Which book should you read first? Whatever book you are drawn to read! And you may read more than one book at the same time. And, if you do not like the book...put it down and try another, go back to that book later, or never! Watch the magic happen in your life and your world!
See you all at the TOP!
Much love....
Stay tuned for an opportunity to share in book reviews with KT! Launching soon...