In the Success Mastery Course training

In the Success Mastery Course training, it says that your eyes can deceive you. (Remember what level that is at?!) Remember, it is not what you see, but how you feel that tells you the truth about things. But most people are influenced too much by what they see with their physical eyes. Some times people look good, sound good, smell good, but something is missing. They might be very well meaning, but something does not feel "right". They might sound good intellectually, but the "power" is not there, something is either missing or does not "feel" right. 

Many times there is no evil intent, just missing energy. What you "see" with you eyes does not tell all. You might be in the presence of a true enlightened "sage/guru/saint/master" whose energy can completely awaken and bring to life your dormant energy and clear out from you many of the patterns that are holding you back from manifesting your dreams, and you do not even know the 'presence" you are standing next too. You must be "ready", accepting, and WILLING to change for you to "see/FEEL" TRUTH.

You cannot know by looking at someone. He might be fat (Buddha), killed by his own people (Jesus), ugly, skinny, falsely accused, attacked in the media and press, imprisoned for years (Gandhi; Mandela; Peter; Paul and thousands of other "saints"), publically ridiculed and criticized (Columbus, Edison, Einstein etc), attacked and vilified, they might dress funny, have funny hair, speak strange, walks and acts goofy etc etc. They might not ACT like a "saint" as YOU THINK a saint/master should. You know ONLY by the "experience" YOU have with them. 

Follow your heart, your feelings. This is the true test. The more aware you are the easier it is to "feel/sense/perceive/know" TRUTH, instead of getting caught up in being led/deceived by what you "see" with your eyes, or what your intellect tells you or what your mind/thought/ego tries to convince you on a "logical" basis. All other "senses" other than "feelings from the heart" will deceive you. The good news is there are no "mistakes". Even if you follow a "false" teacher and get led down a "dark" path that leads to misery and destruction, you have nothing to fear, for you always have the power to create a completely different experience, and to attract the "training/teacher" you want/need.

I would strongly encourage you to go back and read the messages I left here over the last year that you have not read yet. And to reread those that you did read! Also, I get tons of mail from people who do not even know that this page exists! Please tell everyone you know (email everyone you know) over and over again, about this page! Get more people coming here and reading these messages...and watch what magic happens in Your life!!
Sending you all love and I sit in bliss......You CAN have it all!

Most people do not have a high self imagine, self esteem, self worth or self love. Most people do not have very much confidence in themselves. Most people beat themselves up too much. If you want to experience inner peace, tranquility, serenity, joy, happiness, and bliss the majority of the time in your life...then you must love yourself more. LOVE YOUR SELF. You must remember who you really are. You are an extension (that means you ARE) pure Source energy (God, Love, Universal Consciousness, All-that-IS, I Am that I Am, etc). You and Source are ONE. You are not separate from All-that-IS. That means YOU are PERFECT RIGHT NOW! You are not working on getting better. 
You are PERFECT RIGHT NOW. All you are doing is making new choices of what you would like to experience next, based on your perspectives preferences, which are based on your perspective of the contrast you are experiencing. When you understand and remember who you are, and you begin to see the world from that non-physical energetic viewpoint (which means you are seeing the energy behind everything and everyone in this physical time space reality) you will see and know yourself, the world and others as everything really is...which is...everything/everyone is the same Source energy YOU are and Source is. Everything is ONE WHOLE. YOU are everything. T
Thus YOU are PERFECT. You are here in the physical reality by choice and be part of expanding the Universe through YOUR choices/desires/wants/preferences/creations/manifesting. Take a deep breath and know YOU are pure love. So LOVE yourself! And the magic in your life unfold!

I love you all. (NOW you might KNOW that I really do mean that!) Much Love KT