Thank you all so much for those who sent letters to my roommate Mike!

Thank you all so much for those who sent letters to my roommate Mike! You have no idea how happy you made him! All the men in the unit were happy for him as well. Your kindness had an amazing impact on everyone. I was SOOO happy! Thank you!! There are about 88 men on my floor. I genuinely like all of them. Everyone is so nice including all the staff. It is so easy to find goodness in everyone when your heart is open. It is easy to see Love shining from everyone and everything giving YOU joy and peace. It is a magical experience. Mother Theresa said when she first went to the slums of Calcutta and experienced the poverty, sorrow, crime, sickness, and hopelessness she wanted to run away and not deal with it or confront it. It was only after repeated exposure did she become "compassionate" and understanding to the people and really "love" everyone she met. Her heart opened. When YOU can experience compassion and understanding towards other humans without exception and when you can really feel unconditional "love" to all people without exception YOU magically change and your life magically changes. Being around the men here in prison on a 24 hour 7 day a week basis, and feeling their pain and sorrows and fears has opened my heart to compassion, understanding, humility, and love to levels I did not even know existed. Being totally non judgmental and instantly and effortlessly seeing "love" in all I meet is heaven! I am so thankful for this gift that will be with me for the rest of my life. I am blessed. In YOUR life, look at people and try to feel more compassion, understanding, non-judgmental, and then give them energetically "unconditional love", and watch YOUR life become magical and enhanced than you could ever imagine! Love to all.....

I mentioned in earlier posts, my roommate, Mike Smith. He has had a fascinating life, filled with mental illness, psych drugs, and spending 20 years in prison on and off. He like many of the inmates here are on prescription drugs of some kind, and before they came here were also doing illegal drugs. Monday-Friday we get mail call. I am so lucky to get hundreds of letters and cards every day! (keep them coming and I love the pictures too!) I feel bad for the majority of inmates who get nothing in the mail, no letters or cards at all. My roommate would love a pen pal! If any of you would like to write him, that would be such a blessing! His name is Mike Smith, inmate number 12484040. We can learn from everyone and every situation. We gain insight and knowledge, and in many case can help us clarify what we want as well as increase our own feeling of being thankful and grateful! I encourage you to feel thankful and grateful everyday as I am doing more now than ever before! Life is PERFECT!
Mike Smith - 12484040