Kevin would love to have as many people in the courtroom for his sentencing as possible.

All of you are welcome!
Let's think positive and send good vibrations even if you can't attend.

The sentencing of Kevin Trudeau is on Monday, March 17th 2014 at 2pm at the Federal Courthouse, 219 S. Dearborn Street. Visitors will need a drivers license or other ID and will need to go thru security (like the airport). They should go to Judge Guzman’s courtroom – Room 1219.

Since I was incarcerated I have watched (with amusement) the different ways people have reacted and interacted with me. Almost everyone (90%) did everything they could to support me, make sure I was ok, and make sure I know they are standing by me no matter what. However a small number of people acted differently. Some simply vanished. They are the people full of fear. They are afraid to be known to have associated with me, and do not want to be known to be associating with me now that I am incarcerated.
They have not communicated with me in any way. No cards/letters (think of Peter, 3 times denying he knew Jesus when the heat was on!). These people had only good things to say about me when everything was "going great", but now, have only bad, negative things to say about me (some are actually gloating that I am incarcerated). Another small group of people did in fact communicate with me since I have been incarcerated. They sent a letter or 2. But the communication was something like this.... "KT, what am I supposed to do now that you are incarcerated? or KT, you need to help me, or KT you need to send me some money, or KT you need to look at my business and help me get it off the ground, or KT I cannot believe you let yourself get incarcerated, don't you know how that negatively affects my life, or KT I need you to do this or do that for me...." 

These people are only concerned about their life, and have no interest in how I am doing. Then there is a small group that seem to have a mission to be my "angels". They send positive uplifting cards/letters/emails regularly, some almost weekly. They ask how am I doing, and if they can do anything for me. They are supportive, loving, kind, thoughtful, encouraging, upbeat. They do everything they can to make me feel good, and encourage me. Their words are positive and enthusiastic. They talk about the wonderful future and the fun exciting times that we will have together when I get out. They have sent money to my commissary account without being asked...

They have been true "angels". Then there are also people that I have not talked to in years who have come out of the wood work and have come to visit, sent money to my commissary account without me asking, sent me books, cards, letters and done many little things that show their unconditional support. In all of this, it is clear who is unconditionally loving and supportive, who gives only conditional love and support, and those who only want from me what they can get from me, and have no interest in "giving" to me in any form. 

Does the term fair weather friends come to mind? Here is the point. If you were in my place, would you feel some people "stabbed in you in the back", or betrayed you, or let you down? Think about that. Have you ever felt betrayed in your life, or felt let down by someone, or felt that someone stabbed in you in the back, or kicked you when you were down, or did the "I told you so"? I am sure we all have felt that way at least once in our life. Here is a better question..Have YOU ever betrayed someone, or stabbed them in the back, or let someone down, or kicked someone when they were down, or did the "I told you so" to someone? I am sure we all would have to admit yes. Here is the message. The "sage" is kind to those who are kind to him, and kind to those who are unkind to him, because kindness is his nature. The magic happens in your life when you do not judge, criticize or condemn others for what they do or do not do or say or do not say (we have all done the same things at one time or another). 

Your love, acceptance, understanding, and compassion for others must be unconditional and without exception. When you can do this, when you can be unaffected by others actions, you are a master of your thoughts, thus your point of focus, thus your emotions, thus your vibrations, thus your experience in life and what you manifest. To everyone, no matter what they have done or not done, said or not said, I send only love and positive thoughts. I love them all equally. We all act only as we are able, at the time. So, be forgiving and understanding. Let it all go. Hold no grudges. Do not condemn them. Do not gossip about them. You cannot control other's actions, but you can control your reaction and how you feel about those actions. React always with love, compassion, forgiveness, and understanding (as you would want others to treat you). See their actions as a cry for love, and then give them love. Be thankful for all these people who give you an opportunity to send love to those who need it most. With humility, Kevin Trudeau

Back in the 70's I was given a book to read: "Magnificent Obsession" by Lloyd C. Douglas. The book was written in 1929 and for 18 months was one of the best selling books in all of America.
It is a wonderful novel with great character and a terrific plot that makes it a real page turner. Once you start reading it, after about 30 pages, it is hard to put down. More than just an excellent well written story, the book shares the simple "secret" to success. It gives an actual "formula" for success.
I suggest you read this book. If you do, make sure you have a good dictionary with you! There are MANY words that will probably won't know the meaning of. Make sure you look them up when you come to them, before you continue reading. It will make the book MUCH better.
I gave the book to several friends here who love reading novels. Every one of them said they could not put it down and read it in record time. They also said they loved learning all the new words they never heard of before. One man said it was the best novel he had ever read and will read it many more times before he leaves here.
This book was one of the original "lessons" I was given early on in my life that taught me the method to achieving one's dreams. There is a recipe for success. There is a step by step "pattern for success" that works and has passed the test of time. It is not "new". The "law" of success has been written down for thousands of years and is available to you.
This book is just one of the thousands of pieces of literature that explain the "secret success formula" for manifesting one's desires. Some of these literary works are religious or spiritual texts, some are works of fiction, others are books and manuals that explain the "secret" with the perspective of scientific advanced nuclear and quantum physics.
This book is simply a FUN way to learn this powerful secret and hopefully entice you to actually apply it in your life. If you do, you WILL see the results. Share with me your thoughts, if you choose to accept this invitation and engage in reading the book and putting into practice what it reveals.
Much love,
Your friend,
Kevin Trudeau