Infomercial King Kevin Trudeau Faces More Jail Time

Federal prosecutors are seeking to have Kevin Trudeau serve a long sentence in jail for not paying a fine of $37 million dollars.

Is this type of sentencing harsh? Apparently it is due to the violation of a court order that Trudeau is now in jail and what makes matters worse is that court officials along with judge, U.S. District Judge Ronald Guzman are making sure that the author loses everything after having a successful career selling products to consumers.

Creation said:
“I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it.
It is the realization that they create their own reality.”
The eagle said,
“Give it to me. I will take it to the moon.”
The Creator said, “No. One day they will go there and find it.”
The salmon said,
“I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean.”
The Creator said, “No. They will go there, too.”
The buffalo said, “I will bury it on the Great Plains.”
The Creator said, “They will cut into the skin of the earth and find it even there.”
Grandmother who lives in the breast of Mother Earth,
and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said
“Put it inside of them.”
And the Creator said, “It is done.”~
~creation story from the Hopi Nation, Arizona

There are many old sayings... This is a blessing in disguise; Look at the bright side; look for the gold; look for the silver lining; it is what you make of it; when you are given lemons, make lemonade; there are 2 sides to everything; decide the glass is half full; etc. You probably can think of a dozen more such sayings. Do you LIVE these sayings? I do! In my current situation, I think of all the ways I am actually BENEFITING from this situation. Examples...I cannot wear contact lenses here, so I must wear glasses, and I can give my eyes a much needed rest! I cannot smoke cigars here, so I am clearing out my lungs! I do not waste time watching TV here! I have NO stress, I am totally relaxed. No responsibilities, no bills, nothing to worry about, no decisions to make, no appointments, no commitments, no pressure, no emails to answer, no telephone calls to take, no mail, no texts, ..I have all the time in the world to……play cards...act like a kid mental exercises…tap into the ether and download knowledge and well...laugh...and enjoy reading all your cards and letters which bring joy to my heart! I concentrate on feeling BLISS everyday! In YOUR life...count your blessings..look for the good things to be appreciative, and grateful for...and all your dreams will come true! Much Love Kevin Trudeau

The single most important thing that will determine what happens in your life is how you respond and react to the things that are happening right now. You constantly judge, evaluate, react, and respond to every person you meet; everything anyone says or does to you; every situation you deal with; every event that is presented to you; every external condition you are in; and everything you experience.
This means you have thoughts, say words, do things, and feel emotions based on how you choose to respond to everything around you as it is happening. How you choose to respond with your thoughts, words, actions and feelings determine the NEXT set of conditions, experiences, events, and situations that the Universe will present to you.
This is "karma". Having a deliberate intent and desire for something is a "wanting". This is the creation process that you can activate on purpose. But, for most people, the desires that a person has (the wanting), is counteracted by the reactions (thoughts, words, actions and feelings) that you put out in response to what life is presenting to you in each moment.

When you can feel good about everything being presented to you, you are in a constant state of creating "good karma" and thus creating a wonderful next set of conditions. I teach how to do this in The Science of Personal Mastery Course. The Course is emailed to you each month starting with Lesson ONE. For more info please email Much Love Kevin Trudeau