Here is a secret to manifesting

Here is a secret to manifesting. My roommate Mike left today. He was transferred to a facility in Michigan. Everyday men come and go. You never know when someone is going to leave. They just come in a say "pack up, you're leaving". You get about an hour notice. Sometime guys leave and you never get to say goodbye. Will I miss Mike? No. Why? Here is the secret to getting everything you want. When you miss someone or something, you feel "bad". That vibration stops the things you want to come into your life. Remember, ideally, you need a majority of your vibrational composite to be that of love and appreciation. So when I think of Mike, I do not "miss him" and feel "sad" (bad). I feel great love, appreciation and thankfulness for getting to know Mike, spending time with him, and having him as my roommate. So When I think of Mike....I feel "GOOD!". When I think of my family or my dog, I do not "miss them" and feel bad....I feel so excited thinking about seeing them again! I feel love and appreciation for the fact that I WILL at some point see them and be with them again and feel love and appreciation FOR them. So when I think of them, I feel..."GOOD!". This is a little distinction that will make all the difference for you! Think about it!...Feel good NOW! Love