It really is your perception

It really is your perception are you living in heaven or hell? it is  your choice as how you "frame" it, and what you are focused on. If you read my past posts (and I hope you have read all of them), I talk about all the positive aspects of prison! LOL! For me this is simply a habit, as I always look for the good, the gold, the positive aspects in everything, and all the things to be grateful and thankful for. This way I am almost ALWAYS feeling GOOD! I could very easily do the opposite and tell you all the horrible things about being in prison. Examples...loss of freedom, not being able to see my family and friends, not being able to see or hold my dog, not being able to go outside and get fresh air, terrible food, a small uncomfortable bed with no pillow, whole body strip searches, being locked in a cell everyday for various periods of time, bad instant coffee, sitting wondering if I will ever be able to see my parents alive again as I am facing 20 plus years! This list could go on and on and on. But the fact remains. I AM IN PRISON. So, I have a choice, I can be in prison and be miserable and feel horrible, sad, depressed, fearful etc....or I can be in prison and feel happiness, joy, positive expectation for the future, peace, bliss. The choice is MINE. Victor Frankle survived a Nazi concentration camp. In his book, Mans Search for Meaning, he said, no one can ever take away mans ability to choose how he feels. You always have the POWER to control your feelings, which means you always have the power to control your life! Choose wisely!
Love to you all!