There are many wonderful "teachers" who are very well intentioned

There are many wonderful "teachers" who are very well intentioned, all trying to "teach" people how to "be successful", be happy, make money, be enlightened, and manifest/attract/create one's dreams/desires. These people want to be your "coach or mentor", or they want to be your "guru", leader, teacher, or guide. Many genuinely want to help you. Most, if not all, however, FIRST, want to make money themselves, and need to feed their EGO by having "followers"/fans, and being the "star" of the show. They crave being on stage. They desire more than anything, the applause, the accolades, the spotlight. This is not "bad", as the ego can be a wonderful thing to witness. 

It does produce an entertaining "show" which is a drama at times, a comedy at times, and a horror show at other times. If you "watch" the ego of others play out, and you realize and see it as the ego, you will be amused. Remember, that what YOU are witnessing is really a reflection of YOUR vibration. Think about that…
I tell you this to help you as you use your own discernment, and discrimination when deciding "who to listen to". Many of you stress out over which seminar or courses to take, what books to read, who’s advice/method/system/club they should follow and join. Relax with all of this. Follow your feelings. Always be open. Simply use discernment and discrimination. Do not judge, condemn or criticize.
You CAN and SHOULD learn from EVERYONE and every situation. Remember, the wise man learns from the fool, but the fool cannot even learn from the wise man. Enjoy the show! Much love

Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Wayne Dyer, Abraham, B.E.S.T, and many other trainings and courses,  "release" all the desires/wants/wishes/dreams that have not yet manifested. become self-realized/self-actualized/enlightened. Science of Personal Mastery Course.

Everyone on earth from time to time feels sad. When you feel low, blue, or "depressed", it sucks!
Or does it?

Consider this.
You go to a movie. It is an excellent movie about a man and his wife who die in a car crash and leave their 5 young children who get separated and sent to various foster homes. Horrible things happen to the kids.
The movie is "depressing" and makes you feel "sad".
When you walk out of the theater, you are smiling and feeling good because the movie was so good it REALLY made you feel "terrible"!
Think about this.
In life, certain events, circumstances, situations and people can "make" you feel "terrible".
And sometimes, it seems like everything is going very well in your life, but for no apparent reason at all you still feel "terrible" (low, depressed, sad).
This happens to everyone.
When it does, I encourage you to simply embrace fully those feelings. Accept them. Do not resist them. Let them flow through you and feel them totally. "Enjoy" the "terrible" feelings as you do when experiencing them while watching a movie.
They are just feelings.
Don't hate them.
Don't run away from them.
Simply know that YOU are NOT your feelings. Come to that realization.
Then, simply breath very deeply in and out, smile, and let those feelings go.
Allow them to release.
Stop "holding on" to those feelings.
Stop resisting those feelings and emotions.
Don't judge, criticize or condemn your emotions and feelings.
We are all "human", so we all have feelings and emotions.
Do not resist what IS.
Acknowledge what IS.
Accept what IS.
Embrace what IS.
Then let it go and release it.
Surrender it all to the Universe (God).
When you do, as the holy saints and sages have said for thousands of years, and I can attest from personal experience, you will attain the inner peace that surpasses all human comprehension and understanding.