Make Everyday Count

As I said in a previous post there is a lot of card playing here. Spades, Gin, Rummy, poker...sometimes Texas Hold-em tournaments, casino and other card games. Plus the men play ping pong ( I am not very good, so everyone gets a good laugh!), chess, board games like monopoly, Risk, battleship, checkers and chess...and Dominos! Yes we all have fun everyday. We laugh and smile everyday. But no one here is really taking full advantage of the time to really better themselves. Most are just "passing the time". In YOUR life, are YOU just passing the time? I would encourage you to make everyday count. Enjoy it. Have fun. Laugh. Smile. But also.... read, listen to audios. Do something productive and do some actions that are helping you get closer to your will feel better about yourself and your all powerful most important self image will be even better! Loving my life and hoping you do as well! I wish everyone reading this was as lucky as I am!
Love and peace..

Most people do not have a high self imagine, self esteem, self worth or self love. Most people do not have very much confidence in themselves. Most people beat themselves up too much. If you want to experience inner peace, tranquility, serenity, joy, happiness, and bliss the majority of the time in your life...then you must love yourself more. LOVE YOUR SELF. You must remember who you really are. You are an extension (that means you ARE) pure Source energy (God, Love, Universal Consciousness, All-that-IS, I Am that I Am, etc). You and Source are ONE. You are not separate from All-that-IS. That means YOU are PERFECT RIGHT NOW! You are not working on getting better. You are PERFECT RIGHT NOW. All you are doing is making new choices of what you would like to experience next, based on your perspectives preferences, which are based on your perspective of the contrast you are experiencing. When you understand and remember who you are, and you begin to see the world from that non-physical energetic viewpoint (which means you are seeing the energy behind everything and everyone in this physical time space reality) you will see and know yourself, the world and others as everything really is...which is...everything/everyone is the same Source energy YOU are and Source is. Everything is ONE WHOLE. YOU are everything. Thus YOU are PERFECT. You are here in the physical reality by choice and be part of expanding the Universe through YOUR choices/desires/wants/preferences/creations/manifesting. Take a deep breath and know YOU are pure love. So LOVE yourself! And the magic in your life unfold!

I love you all. (NOW you might KNOW that I really do mean that! Much Love Kevin Trudeau

Life is as you see it. This statement was written thousands of years ago. This statement (or a similar version of it such as "life is what you make it, or life is how you perceive it") is in every religious and ancient spiritual book ever written. It is the secret to happiness.
It is the secret of the ages. What you focus on, where you put your mind, is how you experience life. You choose your emotional state. The external conditions do not make you feel a certain way, unless you allow it. When you control your mind and thoughts, you control your life. Much love.... Kevin Trudeau