I am happy RIGHT NOW

People say to me " I bet you will be very happy when you get out of prison and back with your friends and family." Yes, that is true. But here is the secret. I am happy RIGHT NOW. I will NOT be HAPPIER when I get out! I think about getting out and feel happiness. Then I look at my current situation, see the perfection in it and feel the SAME happiness as I WILL feel when I get out! That is the secret to both getting what you want AND being happy all the time! You MUST see that your current situation is perfect. It is always what YOU chose, YOU created, YOU invited into your experience and YOU manifested! Do NOT despise your current situation. YOU and only YOU created it with your vibration (thoughts, attention, feelings, emotions, focus). It IS for YOUR benefit if you look for the gold. Some people say "but I cannot see HOW this is for my benefit". The answer is the benefit is off the radar screen. You WILL see HOW and WHY it is of benefit to you later on down the road. People say "someday we will look back at this and laugh." Why wait? Be happy and laugh now! Treat your current experience as a glass of the best champagne. 

See your current situation as very good. Now, just like drinking fine champagne, you can CHOOSE to have something else. You do not hate the champagne, you still love it, you just simply CHOOSE to enjoy something new or different. Same with your current situation. Look at it, see the perfection in it, love it, feel good, then if you want something else, simply choose that, think about that, feel good when you think about the new thing you want to experience and replace the current situation...but always still feel good when you look at your current situation! Life is a co-creative experience. Every person you meet is for a reason. Maybe THEY needed to meet YOU! Or maybe YOU needed to meet THEM. Or maybe (actually this is the truth), you BOTH needed to meet each other. So, with everyone you meet, ask what can I learn from THEM? And ask, what can I GIVE to them? Doing this will make you feel enriched and empowered. 

Take life less seriously. Have more fun. Laugh more. Play more.....and watch your desires and dreams begin to manifest. But you won’t even care that much or notice because you are already having too much fun! The mystery of life is when you don't care if you get your desire and are happy right now when you do not have it...that is when it comes to you without effort. As the saying goes, you will get it when you least expect it. Now that truth might make sense. Sending you infinite peace, harmony, tranquility, serenity, and the deepest appreciation. I love you all just they way you are as I can feel your energy (who you really are) and you ARE perfect right now!

From Desk of Kevin Trudeau
MCC Chicago January 21, 2014
There is one thing in common with all the men here. We have all been accused of committing a federal crime. No one is here for selling Bibles! LOL There are mostly uneducated, but some educated...mostly poor, but some came from money and means, black, white, Mexican, Europeans...mostly minorities. Mostly under 30 years old. Most facing 10 years to life. We all created this experience by our own thoughts. Most did so without knowing what they were doing. They programed themselves for failure. I see it ever day here. Most sit and watch "reality “TV or Jerry Springer type shows most of the time..and at the same time they have their MP3 player headphones in their ears listening to "music". They sing out loud the lyrics...all negative!! Amazing to watch! It is so obvious with all that negative "input" CONSTANTLY… That they will vibrate frequencies that will give them more of what they do not want. YOU know this! So read books, listen to audios, and SPEAK and THINK good things everyday...ALL DAY! You create your own happiness and bliss and it starts with what YOU input on a regular consistent basis! Love, Kevin