There is one thing in common with all the men here

There is one thing in common with all the men here. We have all been accused of committing a federal crime. No one is here for selling Bibles! LOL There are mostly uneducated, but some educated...mostly poor, but some came from money and means, black, white, Mexican, Europeans...mostly minorities. Mostly under 30 years old. Most facing 10 years to life. We all created this experience by our own thoughts. Most did so without knowing what they were doing. They programed themselves for failure. I see it ever day here. Most sit and watch "reality “TV or Jerry Springer type shows most of the time..and at the same time they have their MP3 player headphones in their ears listening to "music". They sing out loud the lyrics...all negative!! Amazing to watch! It is so obvious with all that negative "input" CONSTANTLY… That they will vibrate frequencies that will give them more of what they do not want. YOU know this! So read books, listen to audios, and SPEAK and THINK good things everyday...ALL DAY! You create your own happiness and bliss and it starts with what YOU input on a regular consistent basis! Love, Kevin