Kevin Trudeau Pleads with the Judge of His Case

The famous infomercial salesman and author has asked that the Judge reconsider his case because he is changed and humbled by the experience. Kevin Trudeau is looking for mercy so that he can return home to his wife and parents.

Will the Judge continue with the sentencing of 10 or more years or will Trudeau spend life in prison? We will have to see what the jurors decide.

Read more here: Kevin Trudeau is Humbled and a Changed Man

What do you want in life? Most people want the same things. Financial security; health; a lover; feeling fulfilled, safe, secure; etc. When you really think about all the things you want and then ask WHY you want will end up with wanting joy, happiness, peace, contentment and a feeling of deep love, appreciation, and being totally 100% accepted. Basically, we ALL want positive / feelings / emotions. We think THINGS or CONDITIONS will give us these feelings / emotions we so deeply seek. They do not. So, how do you get all the things in life you want AND the positive feelings/emotions that are the root of all our desires? The Success Mastery Course is one place to find the formula. The suggested books are another. I suggest reading the following books. ALL of the Ester and Jerry Hicks (teachings of Abraham) books; Conversations with God books 1-2 and 3; Opening Doors Within by Eileen Caddy (excellent daily readings. You read one page a day.); The Magic of Believing; The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. I have re-read over 50 books in the last few months and read a few new ones. These are suggestions for you. I also suggest you read (or reread if you already read them) all the posts here on this FB page since it started in November 2013. There are new secrets you will learn each time as there are clues here to true bliss happiness in the messages. So continue to re-read and learn. On, another note, one thing I am doing is letting my hair grow. I have not cut it since I was incarcerated in November 2013. It is getting very long and grey. LOL Remember the story of Samson? Hair acts like an antenna of vibration. I will explain more later. Thank you again for all your letters / cards / pictures you mail to me and the comments you post here. Tens of thousands are viewing this community FB page daily. We need over 100,000 visiting daily to reach a critical mass number where powerful miracles will take place. YOU can make that happen. Spread the word and get people visiting this page. Expect Miracles in YOUR life. Much love.. Kevin Trudeau

he secret to gaining massive material riches is "motivation".
The secret to gaining massive happiness and bliss (and plenty of material riches) is "inspiration'.
Motivation is when you are driven by fear of pain.

Inspiration is when you are driven by love and desire for pleasure.
Much Love Kevin Trudeau