Another interesting fact

Another interesting fact...every night the main room on my floor turns into a huge card room for about 4 hours! Over 50 guys sit around playing various card games. Some play with the same guys each night...some move from table to to game and mix it up. We play spades, hearts, casino, poker, Gin etc. There are Texas Hold-em tournaments from time to time. I played in 3 tournaments so far and won all three! 
The amazing things I noted are...there are all these different cultures...and we all get along! No one criticizes any one else. Everyone is so upbeat and positive! There are no cell phones, or smart texting…googling, etc. Everyone is just in the moment socializing. WOW! It is SO much fun and soooo cool! I play Gin everyday with 2 guys. We could not be more different. We play cards and laugh all night! We enjoy each others company and enjoy getting to know a little about each of our different cultures...rap music...inner city speech..I read books...they watch TV all day or listen to their rap music! LOL So fun! In your life....are YOU socializing like me?? I can tell you grow as a person when you are being truly in the now socializing with other human beings! Communing with others is truly special...much love from the front lines! KT

Today and each day forward I am CELEBRATING my commitment to making my greatest DREAMS a REALITY, YES I AM!!!
Place both hands on your heart, Close your Eyes, Inhale while looking up to the crown of your head, exhale relax your eyes, do this 2 times more... open your eyes; Read Out Loud Slowly with the power of love and Intention the follow phrases:

How do I connect to my Higher-self even stronger?
Dearest beloved Higher-self.... I give the command, order and decree now!!! Do you give me permission today to have my beingness permanently changed, YES I AM!
I honor the space in which I exist.
Say 7x "Today and each day forward I am CELEBRATING my commitment to making my greatest DREAMS a REALITY, YES I AM!!!"
 3x Breath-in/out
 3x Thank You bring me more...

 special message from KT for followers of this page regarding the new training
Hello everyone! This is Kevin Trudeau. First, thank you for all your love and support. Thanks for visiting this site and my "Official Facebook Page", "The Official website", and the many other positive Kevin Trudeau sites.
Last year I presented a 10 week seminar here at Federal Prison Camp Montgomery on how to achieve your goals and manifest your dreams. Over 600 inmates here at the prison camp attended the seminar (a record). Many of the men who attended the seminar have been released. Hundreds of these men have sent me letters saying that the material I taught is creating miracles in their lives. One such student is a wonderful man named Jason Sant. Jason is putting together some training based on his notes from that seminar as well as from the personal one on one trainings I gave him while he was here. For 4 years Jason and I did yoga together, worked out together and spent some quality time together. While I do not know exactly what training Jason will share, I feel confident that he is using the training I provided him and is seeing outstanding results. If you are interested in getting Jason's training (which he says will be based on the training he learned while under my 4 year mentorship), continue to follow this page. The administrators will soon be giving out an invitation for enrollment. I hope you enjoy the training. Let me know how it goes for you, as I love to hear how you are doing! Visit all the other KT sites, post messages, and do so often.
Much love,
your friend,
Kevin Trudeau
Free Kevin Trudeau