Think about what you want and feel now as if you were already in possession of what you desire.
Say out loud affirmations that confirm and virtually speak into existence what you want.
Speak in the present tense AS IF you were already in possession of what you want.
Act AS IF you were already in possession of your desire. Contemplate all the above, as everything you need to manifest whatever you wish is in this message. Much love, your friend, KT
You become what you think about most of the time. Whatever your mind can conceive, and you can bring yourself to know that it is possible, then you can achieve it.
Believe you can succeed and you will.
Expect success. Have confidence in yourself. Keep your eye on your dream. Success is a decision away. If you make a real decision that you will attain what you desire, then you will wake up earlier, go to bed later, and spend every spare moment working on the attainment of your goal.
You will have a magnificent obsession with attaining what you desire. All I have just said contain every secret you need to know to manifest all your dreams and become wealthy, healthy, and happy.
Contemplate these words
Happiness. Inner peace. The feeling that everything is perfect. The joy of experiencing the ecstasy of connection and oneness with another.
Would you like these things? We have all experienced them from time to time. But, they are not lasting are they? They are temporary.
We know these feelings and emotions are real, but they are missing from our lives. In truth there are very few people that are anchored in these feelings.
But there ARE those highly evolved people that live in this state ALL THE TIME, no matter what the external conditions of their lives are.
Seek FIRST this inner peace. Seek FIRST happiness and joy. THEN all the material things you desire will manifest in your life faster and easier than ever before.
Soon, when we meet, this inner state of feelings of perfection will awaken in you. You are close to attaining what you desire. Keep your eye on your dream
Many people ask me how I am doing. It may be hard for you to grasp this, but I am doing better than ever. Everything is perfect. I am living in constant bliss and joy. I smile and laugh all day.
I am thankful, grateful and appreciative every moment. Whatever happens, I see it as the perfect "play of the Universal Consciousness". This is not something I intellectually understand. This is something that I "see" and actually fully experience.
Most people live with themselves as the "subject" and what they are looking at as the object. That is "duality". For me, there is no subject and no object. Everything is simply different expressions of the same ONE Universal Consciousness. That Consciousness is pure unconditional love.
It is beyond perfect benevolence. I therefore "see" and experience everything (without exception and without condition) as perfect "love".
This means I only experience total and complete oneness and inner joy at all times.
This is hard for people to imagine as most people deal with various emotions all day with lots of "ups and downs". I simply do not have that. You can enjoy this amazing state as well. I can teach you the secrets. I am teaching some of the men here, and it works 100% of the time! Desire this state, and it can be yours. Much love. Your friend, KT
At the end of the day, relationships are the most important thing in life. Treasure the ones you have. Honor them. Cherish them. Adore them. And protect them. Doing so will make your lives so much richer and joyous. You were born to win. You were designed for accomplishment. You are engineered for success. And you have been endowed with the seeds of greatness. Success for you is simply a decision away.
When you make a real decision to succeed and attain your desires, such things as setbacks, temporary defeats, obstacles, and challenges do NOT affect your resolve and commitment to attain your desire.
Those 'negative' situations only make your desire all that more powerful. Get a burning desire for the attainment of your goals so strong that nothing can put your fire out! You can do it. I will see you at the top.
Much love, your friend, KT