The overwhelming common denominator of 99% of these messages to me is amazing, heartfelt support for me fighting for Free Speech and civil liberties for all. For this I am so humbled and thankful. The other common denominator is that most tell me their success story of how some of my training or recommended books/training has had a powerful and positive effect on their lives. I love hearing about people's "success" in life as they define "success"(not just making money).
The last common denominator is many people have questions about how to "manifest/attract/create" things in their life. The most common "wants" is more money, or something money can buy, followed by wanting a lover/mate/love relationship, then health issues. Ultimately all really want, whether they know it or not, is "feeling" inside. Those who have the questions, have not gone through the Success Mastery Course up till level 6, and/or are not a student of the Science of Personal Mastery Course (the Newsletter) and/or have not read the books on my recommended book list. I can tell you that manifesting money is easier than you "believe" it is.
My suggestion to everyone is go through the training, as it will help you make your dreams come true. The Science of Personal Mastery Course, the Success Mastery Course (offered through the Global Information Network), and the recommended books have all you need to make all your dreams come true. One other "secret" for making money AND being happy is to do what you LOVE. Do what you are enthusiastic about. If you do what you LOVE and are ENTHUSIASTIC about it you will have a magical wonderful life. Check back to this page often, as I will be leaving some great updates, and make sure you do both, read the comments and leave comments as well. Much love and until next time..
Many people ask me how to deal with negative people. Everyone has "negative" people in their lives. Everyone has people who talk bad about you behind your back; will turn their back on you when things are not going well; will stab you in the back; will be disloyal to you; who are jealous of you; who will try to hurt you; who will do everything they can to see you suffer; and the list goes on.
Everyone has such people in their lives. It does not matter if you are a saint, a successful business person, a spiritual person, a mother, a dad, a worker, a famous celebrity, a journalist, a radio host, an author, a Politian, a doctor, or an artist.
Everyone has "haters" in their life. Mother Theresa had many such people. Steven Jobs, Trump, Marc Cuban, Rush Limbagh, Howard Stern, and every business leader has "haters", detractors, and critics. Yogi's, Guru's, Spiritual Meditators, and every religious leader in every religion has people who try to "debunk" and "expose" these champions of free speech.
"Haters" come in all forms. Most are former "best friends", insiders, former close inner-circle loyalists, ex-lovers, ex-employees, ex-spouses, and even relatives and close family members. The more you do that is "positive", the more "negative" you will get thrown at you. This is how the Universe keeps everything in balance. There has to be a balance between yin and yang.
How do you handle this? There are many ways, which I teach in The Science of Personal Mastery Course. The main thing is to be happy when people talk bad about you. This means that what you are doing is right. In the second world war, the army air corps pilots said: "you only get flack when you are over the target!"
Sending positive energy to your "haters" is how to get the Universe to open the flood gates of prosperity, abundance, and positivity in your life. Smile and be happy when the negative comes at you. Gandhi said, "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, and THEN you WIN!" Much love. KT